Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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eWeek Spoils Announcement of CodePlex

CodePlex has been announced on eWeek by Mary Jo Foley. CodePlex is considered by many to be the replacement for GotDotNet’s code repository. CodePlex is a hosted version of Team Server. The long term plans is to have this integrated with Visual Studio…

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First Peak of Expression Web Designer at Philly.net

During my presentation tomorrow at Philly.net, I plan on providing a demo of the Microsoft Expression Web Designer. The event begins at 5:30pm with my presentation starting around 7:00pm. I will begin with my talk, “Understanding Membership and Profiles…

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Theme Support in Web.config

Another thing Scott Guthrie pointed out to me is that in order to get the Theme and the stylesheet to work across the site in design mode, I must set both the theme and syleSheetTheme properties in the web.config file. Otherwise, it will not render in the designer. Again, another thing I just realized. I must have been setting this on each page in previous projects or ignored the designer and assumed that it wasn’t supported.

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Design Rendering of Master Page set in web.config

I asked the ASP.NET team a simple question: Why/How can I get the design view to work when I set the master page file in the web.config instead of the page level. Scott Guthrie replied back with a link that didn’t necessarily answer my question, but provided some good tips and tricks for Master Pages. In short, it doesn’t appear as though it can be done. This is something that might make the Orcas list. I can’t believe that in using this for the past 2 years that I haven’t noticed this.

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Microsoft Improves CSS Support with Expression WD and CSS Control Adapters

Have you downloaded the Microsoft Expression Web Designer or CSS Control Adapters yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Many designers have argued that Microsoft does not support CSS throughout the design/dev tools and also with rendering the controls. Well, that’s no longer the case. You can now design using Microsoft Expression Web Designer using built-in CSS templates. You can also use CSS Control Adapters to convert the table-based controls such as menu and treeview to a CSS control.

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Center for Information Work at Microsoft

Microsoft has been working with a few other companies creating a “Center for Information Work.” Here are some photos from CIW: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/presskits/ciw/gallery.mspx. However, this week they released something even cooler. There is a new monitor that companies are developing to “wrap around” your workstation. Here is a picture from eWeek:

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Using LINQ to create a website

Scott Guthrie has just posted a cool tutorial on building a website using LINQ which can now be downloaded. If you haven’t downloaded LINQ yet to try it out, be sure to do so. LINQ will be fully integrated with the next version of Visual Studio.

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Microsoft releases CTP for Expression Web Designer

I just noticed that Microsoft has released the first Community Technology Preview (CTP) for the Expression Web Designer. The Expression Web Designer allows designers to build standards-based Web sites, includes sophisticated CSS-based layouts, includes extensive CSS formatting and management, and provides rich data presentation. You can download it now and report any bugs to the team using http://connect.microsoft.com/.

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New Jersey Code Camp 2 - Saturday June 3rd, 2006

Scott Watermasysk and Don Demsak (DonXML) are putting together the 2nd New Jersey Code Camp to be held at the Microsoft office in Iselin, NJ on Saturday, June 3rd. I spoke at their first code camp and unfortunately will not be able to make the trip for …

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.NET Valley User Group Meeting!

The .NET Valley User Group will be holding its next meeting on May 24th, 2006 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. More details will be available on the .NET Valley website at a later date.

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