Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Moving Next Week

I’ll be moving in next week and will not be online. I’ll be back online the week of August 14th.

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ASP.NET Podcast: AJAX (Show 11)

This podcast covers a concept called AJAX, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX allows web pages to postback without a page “refresh.” Be sure to check this one out!

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.NET Valley Chooses Community Launch Team Leader

NET Valley has chosen their Community Launch Team Leader to be Lenny Jankowski. Lenny has been a software developer for a number of years and has experience in both Visual Studio and SQL Server. Please join us in congratulating Lenny.

For more information about .NET Valley, visit www.DotNetValley.com.

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.NET Valley Event Tonight!!! - Exchange 2003 Disaster Recovery

I know this a bit late, but tonight .NET Valley will host Exchange Server 2003 Disaster Recovery by Michael Murphy and Creating an Intranet using .NET by myself. For more event information visit http://www.dotnetvalley.com/Events/304.aspx. To sign-up for this event, visit http://www.dotnetvalley.com/signup.aspx?eventid=304&sourceid=blog1.

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New Address/Phone Number

You can get my new address by downloading my VCard from my website or by sending me an email.

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Paying To Read Blogs??

While doing some browsing this afternoon, I came across PixelPass. With this, bloggers add “one line of code” to their template pages of their blogging engine to create an obscure image over the blog. For readers to read the blog, they must click the link and pay. Personally, I think this company is smart in doing what they are doing as I’m assuming they are one of the first ones. They’ll be rich soon and laughing at me. However, I don’t think you should force someone to pay just to read your blog. If that’s the case, write an article and publish it somewhere. What do you think?

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Welcome Windows Vista!

Windows Vista was announced this morning…

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SQL Server 2005: Oops, Application Broken!

I came in this morning and to my surprise, my one app kept failing. It was a win app that used a SQL Server 2005 backend. I checked the error logs that it generates to find that the error stated that the password expired for the ‘testuser’ account. Luckily, this was a test application that didn’t need to be back online immediately. The ‘testuser’ account is both an NT account that I use impersonation with the app and also a SQL 2005 account. It took me about 15 minutes until it dawned on me that maybe I didn’t un-check the expire password option on the SQL account. Wow, don’t make that mistake in an enterprise environment unless you plan on changing those passwords and staying on top of it! I guess by un-checking it I just threw out a best practice.

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Zip Code Web Service and Weather Control For Download

You can now download a sample zip code web service and weather control that I’ve been working on. I’ve placed the project information on my website at http://www.jasongaylord.com/projects/webservice-zipcodes.aspx.

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Photo Gallery Project For Download

You can now download a sample photo gallery project that I’ve been working on. I’ve placed the project information on my website at http://www.jasongaylord.com/projects/photogallery.aspx.

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