Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Keyboard Shortcuts In Windows XP

Looking for a Windows XP shortcut? Check out this list from Microsoft…

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.NET Valley Event Tonight

The .NET Valley event tonight will feature a presentation about ASP.NET 2.0 Personalization. The event will be held at the Luzerne County Community College. For more information, visit http://www.dotnetvalley.com/Events/260.aspx.

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ASP.NET Forums Get Facelift

The ASP.NET forums were updated today with the latest version of the forums software, Community Server version 1.0. The updated software will allow Alex Lowe and the rest of the team at Telligent to manage the ASP.NET website more efficiently. Congrats guys on a successful conversion!

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Report Sharp-Shooter 1.9 Announced

9Rays.Net has published a regularly scheduled version of Report Sharp-Shooter v.1.9. The new version has some improvements such as an automatic converter for quick transformation of Crystal Reports into Report Sharp-Shooter. The beta version of a new component which allows assigning formatted text with the help of tags has been added. This component also allows uploading text in RTF. The process of custom viewer and designer creation has been appreciably simplified. The PDF export filter now supports imbedded fonts. Henceforth, it is possible to export documents containing any national characters including Chinese, Japanese and any other.

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Contest Almost Over

As a reminder, the 9rays.net contest is almost over. There are only 10 days left in the contest. For more information about the 9rays.net Report Sharp-Shooter contest, visit http://www.jasongaylord.com/Contests/2005/April/.

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Free Components for ASP.NET

Have you ever needed to find a free component to help fill a void with your application? If so, then this list is for you! Visit http://aspalliance.com/652 for a complete listing broken down by category.

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Google Code

Google announced yesterday at the O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference that there was a new Google website containing all of their APIs and Google Projects. The web side can be found at http://code.google.com.

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Review: MSN IM Beta 7.0

Has anyone tried the new MSN IM 7.0 yet? It seems like more “fluff” than anything. I started using MSN IM because it didn’t have the bells and whistles (literally) that AIM and Yahoo! Messenger had. Has anyone found any good functionality with 7.0?

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VB6 Support Almost Over

Attention all developers: If you did not know that Visual Basic 6 (VB6) support ends in 2 more weeks, you should now. According to MSDN online, VB6’s “Mainstream” support will end on March 31, 2005. The extended phase will last until March of 2008. There is a ton of controversy over whether the support should continue or not. If you think it should continue, visit http://classicvb.org/petition/. Many well known Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) and other developers have already signed this online petition.

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Viewing Your Database in SQL 2005

I must say that I’m very disappointed that SQL 2005 has limited the table information that you can view on a single screen. What I mean is that they have removed database diagrams from SQL 2005 and have also removed viewing the size of the columns from design view. So, if I need a screen shot of my database for a project, I need to use Visio or use Visual Studio 2005. I found it odd when I was looking for it today and found it missing. Some fellow ASPInsiders (Phil, Wally, and Paul) confirmed my findings. Its amazing how useful functionality is sometimes forgotten about while little things are never missed. ;)

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