Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Setting A Parent Form Property From MDI Child

I needed a way to access the menu on my MdiParent form. However, the menu is built dynamically, and using the MdiParent.Menu.Items collection just won’t work. So, I created a Public Property in my main form like such:

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.NET Valley Online Store

I have created a small online store for the .NET Valley User Group.

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Visual Studio 2005 Betas

For those of you who have not yet heard, the Visual Studio 2005 betas are available for download at http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/vs2005/get/default.aspx. All of the downloads found are Beta 1 products and do not include a go-live license. This means that they are approved for use in test environments only.

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SQL Injection Attacks

Paul Litwin has posted some good points to help prevent SQL Injection attacks. View his article at http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/04/09/SQLInjection/default.aspx.

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SQL Server Articles

I received an e-mail today with a SQL Server article repository on the FTPOnline website. I figured it would be useful to someone, so here it is:


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Today I attended the MSDN Security Briefing in Bethlehem, PA (near Allentown). G. Andrew Duthie was the presenter. I must say, he did a fine job presenting the security topics at hand. Andrew covered some great security topics such as DPAPI, aspnet_setreg, Code Attacks, Environment Security, and more!!!

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Directions for the .NET Valley Event - Phil Weber

I wanted to share this with everyone. Our town joined a few others in a memorial effort known as a “Healing Field.” A Healing Field is a field that displays flags listing individuals who are to be remembered for 9/11. You can see Wilkes-Barre’s “Healing Field” by visiting: http://healingfield.org/staticpages/index.php/wb

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Directions for the .NET Valley Event - Phil Weber

Directions to Keystone College are located on the Keystone College website at http://www.keystone.edu/Directory/Directions.htm and on .NET Valley at http://www.dotnetvalley.com/Directions/default.aspx. The room is located in Gardner Hall.

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Suggestions for .NET Valley

I’m looking to redesign the .NET Valley website through out the summer months. What should I consider changing, adding, or keeping on .NET Valley? If you haven’t been to the website yet, please visit it at www.dotnetvalley.com. Also, if you are in or around northeastern Pennsylvania, you can check out Phil Weber at our next meeting this Wednesday evening in LaPlume, PA at Keystone College.

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MapPoint Web Service

Have you visited your MSDN download section lately? I did the other day while looking for something and noticed that the MSDN team is giving a limited 1-year subscription to the MapPoint web service. The link for signing up can be found on the front page.

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