Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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MarkdownSharpCore, a Markdown .NET Library, Updated

I have recently updated the MarkdownSharpCore library to support .NET 6.0. Previously the 1.1 version only supported .NET Standard 2.1 and .NET Core 2.2. The source code for the library can be found on GitHub at https://github.com/jasongaylord/markdownsharp. You can grab the NuGet package here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/MarkdownSharpCore.

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Tweetdeck Forces Update and Breaks Tweeten

TweetDeck recently “choose” me to use their new preview. The problem is that I never opted in and it broke Tweeten. Until yesterday, the feature to opt-out of the new TweetDeck was broken.

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TechBash Sponsorships Available

While the early bird ticket sale process just wrapped up, we’re just getting started with TechBash. Earlier this year we posted our updated Sponsorship Prospectus for TechBash 2023.

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Executing Concurrent NPM Scripts

All along, we’ve been able to run multiple NPM scripts in the same run command. Here’s the scenario: Imagine that we have a script that is called buildStaging and another called buildProduction. We could run both scripts out of the box with NPM by creating a new script, let’s call it build and setting the value to npm run buildStaging && npm run buildProduction. The problem with this is that buildProduction won’t start until buildStaging is complete.

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Early Bird Ticket Ends July 4th for TechBash 2023

Time is ticking on the early bird ticket sale for TechBash 2023. The early bird prices end at 11:59pm Eastern on July 4th. You can purchase 3-day and 4-day early bird tickets on EventBrite.

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Calculating Color Contrast in Dart SASS

The TechBash Foundation is working on an updated website for TechBash. One of the requests that came in from one of our presenters for this year’s TechBash conference was to ensure that our color contrast between background-color and text color was within the guidelines set forth by WCAG. Since I’m building a lot of my styles using SASS, and more specifically, Dart Sass, it’s actually not hard to create a function to return the contrast ratio.

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Early Bird Tickets On Sale for TechBash 2023

It’s time to register for TechBash 2023. 3-day and 4-day early bird tickets are now available on EventBrite.

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WebKeys in Statiq.Web

Yesterday I talked about settings files in Statiq. One thing I failed to mention is that the Statiq.Web project template contains a static class, called WebKeys that acts as a helper, that has an alias for many common setting names. When creating your settings file, you do not have to use any or all of these keys. In fact, I plan on only using a handful and then creating many of my settings.

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Nested YAML Settings in Statiq

Last week I started a blog series about Statiq, a static content generator written in C#. The next major post will focus on creating a Statiq theme and template.

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Using Statiq, a .NET Static Content Generator

I’m a huge fan of static web apps mostly because of performance but also because they’re so easy to generate content using the tools that I use. I also enjoy using just Visual Studio Code and not opening Visual Studio anymore. When I first started web development, I used notepad instead of Visual InterDev. I was THAT guy.

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