Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Automation at the Dinner Table

Two parents working. All day events with the kids. A day of shopping. Sometimes, when we have those moments, we opt for eating out. Other times, we opt for eating in using something like a crock pot. Those handy devices that usually cost $20 are great in a pinch. But, have you ever found a recipe that requires only a few hours on low? Well, I did. But, I made sure that it was cooked to perfection even though I sat in my office all day. I used something coined as “home automation.”

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Microsoft Edge Debugger Splitter Issue

The other day I hit F12 and started to debug some code. Microsoft Edge stopped showing the left side of the splitter that shows file content and the file browser for scripts and such. The issue breaks down that the right window was set at 100%. After talking with some people on the Microsoft Edge team, the solution, for now, was to tweak a registry key. The key to update is below, if you are using the Windows 10 RTM version (meaning you’re not on the Slow or Fast ring for updating):

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Announcing TECHbash 2016

A couple of years ago, a few developers in the community talked about hosting a new developer conference in the Northeastern US. Over the past six months, after several discussions with the CodeMash team, we turned the talk into action. Yesterday, the TECHbash Foundation announced that next September 28-30, 2016, we’ll be hosting the first annual TECHbash event at the brand new Kalahari Resorts and Conventions Center in Pocono Manor, PA. This location event is less than 2 hours from New York City and Philadelphia and around 4-5 hours from Washington DC and Boston. For the first year, we’re planning on capping the registration at 400 attendees.

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Writing Sound Business Requirements (User Stories)

I’ve read a lot of requirements over the years. I mean, a lot. As a developer, it’s amazing how many requirements are missing substance and are either extremely vague such as “Customers should be able to place orders” or have nothing to do with the actual request such as “Orders need to reach the processing department because the sky is blue.”

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Understanding Font Rules in CSS

Quite often, developers or designers include a list of fonts within their CSS. As an example, one might define a CSS rule such as:

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Detecting Caps Lock with JavaScript

Earlier today, I saw a user attempt to type his password in both Internet Explorer 9 and Chrome. In both browsers, he failed to successfully type it in. After 3 failed attempts, he realized it was due to his caps lock key being pressed. In some cases, a keyboard driver will inform you on screen when you press the caps lock button. If you are lucky enough to use Internet Explorer 10, you’ll notice that it is built into the browser as shown below:

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Saving Design Changes from Internet Explorer to Visual Studio 2013

How many times as a web developer did you make a change to a web application in your browser and were disappointed when the changes didn’t update back within Visual Studio? With the recent updates to Mads Kristensen’s VS Web Essentials, you can. The Web Essentials download is a VSIX package (Visual Studio Extension).

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Moving On… To Guard Insurance Group

After over 10 years of dedication to United One Resources, I’ve decided that it’s time for my next life challenge. Later today, I’ll walk out the doors of the office on Sherman St in Wilkes-Barre for the last time as a United One team member. I will never forget the past 10 years of my life and what this company has meant to me both personally and professionally. I have some fond memories and new found friends. Below are a few specific people that I felt I needed to mention:

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Review: New Developer Tools in Internet Explorer 11

Windows 8.1 has been out for a few weeks now. Along with Windows 8.1, Internet Explorer 11 was released. IE11 offers the best web standard support of any Internet Explorer browser. This means that the latest finalized specifications for HTML5 and CSS3 features have been implemented within the browser. In addition, the IE team revamped the developer tools (F12 tools).

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Upgraded My Hosting Provider and Website

This was long overdue. For quite some time now, I was running a very old version of Orchard CMS. I was also using a low-cost shared hosting provider. My site was sluggish and would time out… often. I decided it was time to switch to Orcsweb shared hosting. I spoke with Brad Kingsley who recommended that I make the switch. Since jumping to Orcsweb, I’ve been happy with the extremely efficient service and the response time of my site. However, I wasn’t done. I spoke with Abhishek KumarLuv regarding my Orchard instance. We’ve chatted in the past via Twitter and I know that he has had experience upgrading. He offered his services to convert my site to Orchard 1.7.1. Kudos to him. Although the site was already running extremely efficient over at Orcsweb, he made it run even better.

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