Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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The Technology Post for June 8th

Edition: #26

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Temporary Suspension on The Technology Post

My main machine passed on earlier today so I’m in the process of rebuilding from scratch. I had all of my feeds and tweet purger setup on that machine and won’t have it back online until later tomorrow or first thing Monday. Look for another Technology Post on Monday. Also note, there won’t be any posts on June 18th and 19th of this month.

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The Technology Post for June 3rd

Edition: #25

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The Technology Post for June 2nd

Edition: #24

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The Technology Post for June 1st

Edition: #23

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The Technology Post for May 29th

Edition: #23

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Installing VisualSVN in a Virtual PC

I’m moving all of my development environment over to a few different VPCs so that way it’s easier to archive my environment when a new one is released. So, I setup a new VPC with Vista SP2 and installed Visual Studio 2008 (with SP1). I wanted to install a Subversion client, more specifically Visual SVN, which usually requires a base Subversion library. In my case, I needed to install Tortoise SVN. When I tried to install it, I received a dialog box in the Microsoft Installer that read:

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The Technology Post for May 28th

Edition: #22

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The Technology Post for May 27th

Edition: #21

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Searching LDAP on Windows Server

I needed to search Active Directory on one of our Windows Servers today and couldn’t remember the application used to do the searching. One of my team members reminded me about LDP.exe. It’s a quick and easy way to search LDAP without installing any third party software.

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