Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Exceptioneer – Handling and Reporting Exceptions

Exceptioneer is a product created by Pixel Programming. Phil Winstanley, one of the founding members of Pixel Programming, recently sent me an invitation to try out Exceptioneer. No pun intended, their concept and product is exceptional! It’s really easy to setup and is a great way to log exceptions and review them visually. They include a code snippet, stack trace, have a direct link to Google to search for a potential solution, and allow you to share the summary with others without giving them access to your application. To see it’s current capabilities, take about 10 minutes to view their overview video.

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Technology Related Links for April 30 – Post #3

Edition: #3

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Technology Related Links for April 29 – Post #2

Edition: #2

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Technology Related Links for April 28 – Post #1

Edition: #1

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Classic ASP Support in IIS 7 and IIS 7.5

I’m working on reverse engineering an application that was written about 8 years ago in Classic ASP. When I first hit the site, one of the things I noticed was that the traditional error messages weren’t displayed. You can turn this on by double-clicking on the ASP icon under IIS, finding compilation, and expanding debugging properties. You’ll see that one of the properties in IIS is called Send Errors To Browser. Set that property to true and you’re all set!

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What I've Been Up To Lately

Things have been quite busy with me lately and thus my post count has dropped significantly. Nope, I haven’t dropped off the earth. I have been working pretty hard on a few projects that I’ll hopefully be able to shed some light on soon. I gave an MVC/jQuery/IE8 talk recently at a Philly.NET Code Camp and posted a really basic app on CodePlex to support the talk. You can check it out at http://bizweb.codeplex.com. Otherwise, stay tuned!

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Main Announcements at MIX 09

Channel 10 has posted a great summary of the announcements from today’s MIX 09 events. One of the items that they didn’t post is that ASP.NET MVC 1.0 has been released. Be sure to check it out!

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Minifying HTML and JavaScript Using Microsoft Expression Web

I don’t get an opportunity to use Microsoft Expression Web that often, but when I do, I always discover new features. I was looking for a way to compress HTML and JavaScript files that I was generating for one of our affiliations. In Expression Web, simply go to Tools > Optimize HTML to see a list of options. Just remember to resave your files as a different name in case you remove comments unless the comments can be lost. If you need to take a .min file or a compressed file and see a more fluent version of the source, you can right-click in the source window and choose Reformat HTML to reformat the source.

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UX Pattern Browser by Infragistics

Infragistics, a User Interface Components company, has released a new UX Pattern website that allows users to view various patterns and submit their own to the library. The site can be found at http://quince.infragistics.com/. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I’d recommend it. It’s a great way to browse patterns or even to showcase certain design capabilities to end users.

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Yahoo SearchPad Disappoints Me

I was reading a Robert Scoble post about why Google Latitude product is receiving more attention than Yahoo SearchPad. I totally agree with him. After reading his post about his interview and watching the video, I’ve devised a list of items that’s wrong with SearchPad:

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