Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Vulnerability in Windows Server service Fixed with Update

Last week, Microsoft released a version of the Malicious Software Removal tool (MSRT) that can help remove variants of Win32/Conficker and other resources.

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Team Foundation and 64 bit Machines

Just to be clear from the start, Team Foundation Server is not supported on x64 machines.

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Getting Started with Web Slices for Internet Explorer 8

What is a Web Slice?**

One of the most interesting features in Internet Explorer 8 is the ability to subscribe to information you frequently check on a website. This is called a web slice (). I find myself frequently checking sports scores and news on ESPN, weather on the Weather Channel, stocks at various online sites (and searches), and auctions at eBay. Now these sites could easily serve content without me having to visit the site. If you have Internet Explorer 8 installed, you can visit a website such as msn.com to see what a Web Slice looks like to the end user. I’ve attached two screenshots below to show how one would subscribe to a webslice:

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Review: TechSmith Camtasia Studio 6.01

Ok. So for years now I’ve been using TechSmith’s Camtasia Studio. I’ve always thought their software was great to dictate and record the screen. Now they’ve gone completely silly. Oh, and I mean in a good way. About two weeks ago I asked their Evangelist Activities Coordinator, Kristina, about their support for editing MP4 files. It was quite simple. I just picked up a new Flip MinoHD camcorder and wanted to edit the clips I recorded in Camtasia by inserting screencasts. At the time, she told me I couldn’t do it. So, I converted my video using Adobe Premiere Pro. I got this bloated piece of junk out and into Camtasia. It ended up working for what I needed, but I was very disappointed.

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Technology Highlights of 2008

What fitting way to end 2008 than a list of my own version of technology-related highlights of 2008.

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MD5 Encryption Considered Harmful

A group of 7 researchers have been able to successfully hack an MD5 encrypted security certificate. While this is a critical security risk, most security certificates do not use MD5 encryption in their generating processes. The more common security certificate and digital signature encryption type is SHA-1. One thing you’ll note is that the attack is on PKI as MD5 is a crypto hashing algorithm and not an encryption type.

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Review: Keurig Platinum B70 Home Brewing System

While we’re still around the holidays, I figured I’d continue my break from actual dev content and review one of the gifts I received this holiday season. My wife picked up a Keurig B70 (Platinum); a single cup coffee/tea brewing system made by Keurig, a subsidiary of Green Mountain Coffee. I wasn’t sure what to expect being that I’m a huge Starbucks fan. However, I was quite surprised. Here’s my quick wish list for Keurig:

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So What Happens When Technology and Holidays Come Together???

This is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s a busy time of the year, but it’s fun. If you’re not into the holidays, chances are you’re too busy and you need a vacation. Even the busiest individuals can enjoy the holidays. Since I was little, I was always fascinated with Christmas lights and decorations. (1980’s photograph will be inserted at a later date)

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Holiday Challenge – Donate or Help Out

User groups, blogs, and community forums exist because of the community. Our User Group, .NET Valley, alone has received thousands of dollars worth of software, books, food, and more over the years to attract members and thank them for coming to our events. It’s time for us to collectively do our part. Many of my colleagues including Scott Watermasysk and Steve Andrews have already issued similar requests and the response has been great so far.

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2 Great ASP.NET Podcasts

I’ve been quite busy working on a side project in which I’ll post more details very soon. However, I came across the two latest ASP.NET Podcasts in which I thought I’d share:

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