Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Expression Blend Tip: Modifying the Rows or Columns of a Grid

It took me a couple of minutes to realize that RowDefinitions and ColumnDefinitions of a Grid are in the Advanced Properties of the Layout category. For more information about using a Grid to layout data, you can read more on Scott Guthrie’s blog at http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/pages/silverlight-tutorial-part-2-using-layout-management.aspx.

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XAML Tip: Adding a Line Break to a TextBlock

I’m just starting to mess with XAML as I’m looking to see what I can do with it. As I come across some pretty basic tasks that I’m struggling with, I’ll post about it in case any other newbies run into the same issue. One of my first tasks was to create some text on a canvas. However, I couldn’t figure out how to do a line break. After searching Live and Google in an attempt to find something, I finally did (on page 3 of each engine). There is an object called <LineBreak/> that will perform a line break in your text. For example: I’m just starting to mess with XAML as I’m looking to see what I can do with it. As I come across some pretty basic tasks that I’m struggling with, I’ll post about it in case any other newbies run into the same issue. One of my first tasks was to create some text on a canvas. However, I couldn’t figure out how to do a line break. After searching Live and Google in an attempt to find something, I finally did (on page 3 of each engine). There is an object called <LineBreak/> that will perform a line break in your text. For example:

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Searching Twitter Posts

I was reading a post by Michael Arrington about his enjoyable weekend and learned something. It has nothing to do with chickens. I always knew there were services that archived Twitter posts, but I was never satisfied with anything I found until this… Tweet Scan. It’s a great service. By all means check it out!

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April Fools? Yahoo Accepts Bid To Be Bought Out By Microsoft

I just noticed that my RSS feed reader had a new posting from InfoWorld about Yahoo accepting a bid to be bought out by Microsoft. The URL contains the words “april” and “fools” and it would make sense as I believe they have pulled a stunt like this before. However, to someone who may forget the day of the year, this may seem like a believable story. Here it is:

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Allowing a Server Control to Contain Custom Child Collection

I’ve probably done this at least a dozen times, but when you don’t do something everyday, you tend to forget. I created a custom control that I wanted to place into a control collection. So, I created the child control as a custom server control. Then I created another server control that contained a property called Items as a Generic.List(Of T) where T was my custom child control. I kept running my app and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t create my child controls in the Parent. I forgot that I had to import the namespace System.ComponentModel and add the PersistenceMode property to the property. So, my code looked like this:

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IIS Stack in Windows Server 2003+

Apparently the IIS stack has changed in Server 2003. I’ve never noticed any issues with my ASP.NET apps, but in case you do, here’s the full post: http://blogs.msdn.com/tom/archive/2008/03/31/stack-sizes-in-iis-affects-asp-net.aspx.

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Apple Sneaking Safari download on QuickTime Users?

I have QuickTime installed on my PC. I just noticed that Apple is now trying to get users to download Safari using their Apple Software Update software. It’s checked by default but as you can see from the photo below, I decided not to install it. It’s interesting that they’re trying to force it down to user’s. 

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API Libraries for Popular Web Applications

Scott Hanselman just posted a really good collection of the APIs for many popular web applications such as DIGG, Twitter, Live Services, etc. You can read Scott’s full posting by clicking here.

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Visual Studio's Birthday?

I just read a post from Steve Andrews about Visual Studio. Little did I know that Visual Studio 97 came out on March 19, 1997. So, technically, today is VS’s birthday. How cool is that? Steve even posted the original mission for VS 97. Funny how its very similar to today’s purpose.

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MIX 08 Sessions

I couldn’t make the MIX this year, but I can easily catch up on the content. You can too by visiting http://sessions.visitmix.com/.

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