Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Interesting Team Foundation Server Statistics

I was reading Somasegar’s blog earlier trying to get caught up on what’s going on out there. I came across an interesting post from yesterday where he talks about how Microsoft uses TFS. According to the blog, over 600 projects are currently scattered across 21 TFS server instances. In addition, over 100 million files are under source control.

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New RSS Toolkit Released

If you’ve never used the RSS toolkit to generate and/or consume RSS feeds, then you’re missing out. It’s a very easy way to generate sound feeds and contains a datasource control to bind grids, etc directly to RSS. Some of the enhancements that I have made in the 1.0 version are now in 2.0. Hopefully I’ll get some time later this summer to help out on the project!

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Generate a PDF behind the scenes using SQL Reporting Services

I came across this really cool demonstration and article by Simon Pang earlier today. I asked around awhile ago for a solution where I could create a PDF on the fly using SQL Reporting Services. Cool enough, he came up with a solution. Check out his article on the Code Project at http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/ssrs_pdf.asp.

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Yahoo! Names New CEO

Microsoft Releases Web Add-on for VSTS

Soma announced a couple of days ago that the new Scrum project is available for download on MSDN. eScrum is a web interface that displays project updates on a daily basis and integrates with Microsoft Project and Microsoft Excel.

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.NET Valley Live! on June 27th in Scranton, PA

The next .NET Valley Live! event will be on June 27th, 2007 in Scranton, PA. More details including event registration can be found at http://dotnetvalley.com/events/eventdetails.aspx?eventid=21.

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Windows Mobile Voice Command 1.6 Commands

Here is a partial Windows Mobile Voice Command list: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/voicecommand/tutorials.mspx

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Removing a Domain Controller from a Windows 2003 Domain

I needed to remove a domain controller earlier today after the hardware failed. I couldn’t find an easy way to remove it from the domain. So, I contacted some friends of mine over at Synergistic Networks. They had suggested that I look at the following procedure: http://www.petri.co.il/delete_failed_dcs_from_ad.htm. That worked perfectly! Thanks guys!

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AJAX Indicators and Progress Icons

Awhile back, Scott Guthrie had posted a blog entry about various progress icons and indicators. Here is the list that he posted:

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Enabling Web Services for Testing outside of the Localhost

In some circumstances, you may need to test .NET web services outside of the localhost, but via the browser. By default, this is disabled in the machine.config. If you were to attempt to browse to a service from a different PC or to access a service under a host name, you’d receive a message stating: “The test form is only available for requests from the local machine.” To circumvent this issue, open up the web.config and add:

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