Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Snow Storm in Northeastern Pennsylvania

I’ve been trying to keep this blog strictly to .NET. However, this I just had to post about. If you haven’t hear already (I’m assuming you have), the Northeastern part of the US was hammered with a “Valentine’s Day Winter Storm.” This winter has been completely mild as didn’t have our first inch of snow until the latter part of January and coming into this snow storm only had a total of 7 inches. However, this storm dumped 15.5” of snow (including 2” of ice) in less than 24 hours.

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Repeating A Details Section Using Crystal Reports

This year I created a 1099 reporting module for our accounting system. One issue I came across occurred when I was pulling the information from Microsoft SQL into a Crystal Report. I couldn’t find a nice, clean way to print two 1099s per page. Then it hit me. I could have two detailed sections. The first section would contain the fields necessary to display the data. The second section would act as a buffer and add white space to the report so I could print both 1099s on one page. I then came across the issue that every other page was blank. So, this is what I did:

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System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission when Accessing Network or Intranet Projects using Visual Studio 2005

I rebuilt one of my development machines recently and attempted to access a project that I had out on a network share. I continually received project messages about the project not being trusted. I remembered that I had to change something but couldn’t remember what it was until I found an old note I left in Outlook. The message I would receive in Visual Studio 2005 was: ASP.NET runtime error: Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

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Vista and Office 2007 Demo at Circuit City

Last weekend (February 3, 2007), I presented a bunch of demonstrations about Windows Vista and the Office System 2007. The turn out was fairly good. Most of the visitors had the impression that Microsoft released a very buggy operating system. I waited to post about this until today to see how the first two weeks have gone. Luckily for MS, they’ve been good. I grabbed a photo of my demo machine.

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.NET Valley Releases Website; Demos Vista/Office 2007 at Circuit City

.NET Valley released their new website yesterday. They also announced that they will be at the Vista/Office 2007 demo tomorrow morning at Circuit City. To find out more, visit http://dotnetvalley.com/news/articles/article5.aspx.

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Vista, Office Released; Allchin Retires

Jim Allchin, former Co-President of the Platforms and Services Division at Microsoft, has retired on the same day Microsoft releases Vista and Office 2007 to consumers. For more on the official launch, visit http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/events/vistaofficelaunch/default.msp

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Demo Tomorrow at Circuit City, Wilkes-Barre For Vista/Office 2007

I’ll be at the Circuit City in Wilkes-Barre PA tomorrow with a crew from .NET Valley. We’ll be there to help Circuit City launch Vista and Office 2007. Be sure to stop by to see the demo and pick up some swag. For the .NET Valley announcement, please visit http://dotnetvalley.com/news/articles/article5.aspx.

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Welcome to the New .NET Valley

RegEx: Using Variables in Regular Expressions

First off, I’d like to thank Steve Smith for helping me out yesterday with a major brain <insert your favorite phrase here>. Like always, my issue turned out to be something stupid. Anyway, my issue ended up bringing something else to my attention. Why not use regular expressions to grab data from strings being passed in and then do something with that data. Hmmm.

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My Response To Wally's Post: ECIS slams Microsoft over Vista

I was reading Wally’s post about how ECIS slams Microsoft over Vista. I completely agree with Wally. Industry leaders seem to take an extreme amount of criticism whenever they release new items or take the “wrong” steps in getting things done. Microsoft, Walmart, GM and Ford, and even sports franchises such as the New York Yankees all experience this. I find this interesting. All of these organizations have become leaders in their industry because they have fans. Then organizations such as ECIS try to make an extra buck by attacking successful organizations. Like Wally, I don’t know much about ECIS, but I find it the idea that another organization can dictate what Microsoft does a little skewed. I hate using cliches, but “can’t we all just get along.”

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