Hello, I'm Jason
I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?
My 'Ego'
Have you tried Ego Surf yet? Here’s my ego:…
Read MoreDotNetSlackers Has Xbox 360 Giveaway
Repost from DotNetSlackers and .NET Valley : “DotNetSlackers is proud to present its authors with the chance to win 1 of 3 Xbox 360 Core Systems (worth 299$). Simply write an article for DotNetSlackers, following our Submission Guidelines, and you’ll…
Read MoreExpression Web Fails Me
I was using Expression Web to setup a basic CSS layout for a demo I was doing. I had a header, menu, 2 column body, and a footer. The two column body was setup using 2 divs inside of a parent div. Each div used a float attribute which floated the element to the left or right. When viewing in Expression Web and IE, there were no issues. However when viewing in FireFox, the footer element creped up into the parent element. I struggled for hours looking over the styles and thinking maybe I missed a closing tag somewhere. Turns out, I was missing the clear attribute in the footer. Its nice that when I run the CSS reports in Expression Web, everything checked out fine.
Read MoreGeneric Host Process on Windows XP Boot
I kept receiving an error message when trying to boot up my PC. I continually received the error message: The instruction at “0x745f2780” referenced memory at “0x00000000”. The memory could not be “read”. and was tied to a Svchost.exe error. I’d also receive a Generic Host Process error message. If I browsed the details, it would not provide any information. After reviewing plenty of forum posts online, I finally came to the conclusion that my Windows Update (or Microsoft Update) has crashed. KB 931852 details a quick and painless way to fix this issue. However, I could not get the service to stop before receiving the message. So, I created a quick batch file and placed it in the Start menu. We run WSUS on site so that probably helped cause this issue. Also, we have automatic updates selected and disabled the ability to change this option in a global policy (nice, huh?). So, the batch file was my only chance. Here is the contents:
Read MoreRegister To Win 2 Free Copies of Office 2007
Register for the .NET Valley meeting tonight (Wednesday, March 21st, 2007) and attend for your chance to win one of two free copies of the Microsoft Office System 2007 Professional. To register, visit http://dotnetvalley.com/events/eventdetails.aspx?eventid…
Read MoreVista for the Enterprise? Maybe not.
Network Computing performed a survey to determine whether or not IT pros would install Vista in the Enterprise. Here it is: http://www.networkcomputing.com/showArticle.jhtml?&articleID=198000502
Read MoreMicrosoft Joins OpenAjax
Microsoft has joined the OpenAjax association. You can read more here: http://www.marketwire.com/mw/release_html_b1?release_id=228535.
Read MoreMSDN Magazine: Manage Web Users with Custom Profile Providers in ASP.NET 2.0
With ASP.NET 2.0, you can add authentication, authorization, and profiles to your Web site without writing a single line of code. That’s quite a step forward from the way things used to be. Like most of the new features in ASP.NET 2.0, authentication, authorization, and profiles each have their own built-in providers. You can think of providers as modules that contain the methods for a particular task. These providers are quite flexible-they can be customized by specifying attributes that pass information into the provider to allow it to execute different behavior. For extreme customization, though, it may be necessary to replace a built-in version with a custom or third-party provider. The Profile feature in ASP.NET allows developers to specify per-user settings or data. All this data can be stored in an anonymous profile so that settings can be retrieved without requiring the user to log into the site. However, if the user creates an account, these settings can be migrated to the logged in profile. The anonymous profile feature can also be turned off.
Read MoreScranton Launch Event
I was at the Scranton launch event yesterday. To my surprise, Mike Murphy’s IT Professional talk during the morning session was “sold out” with over 600 IT pros attending. I posted some pics from the event yesterday at http://www.jasongaylord.com/photos/Photos.aspx?AlbumID=180. I finally met Lindsay Rutter as well. Lindsay is a DE for the Mid-Atlantic region.
Read MoreUsing Encrypted Authentication
If you use the built-in authentication in ASP.NET, its a good idea to use Hashed or Encrypted passwords. The issue with using Hashed passwords is that you cannot use the built-in password retrieval methods for retrieving the passwords. If you use Encrypted passwords, you’ll need to configure a machineKey node in the web.config (MSDN How To). The reason being, you’ll receive the following message: You must specify a non-autogenerated machine key to store passwords in the encrypted format. Either specify a different passwordFormat, or change the machineKey configuration to use a non-autogenerated decryption key
. Be sure to follow the MSDN How To that I linked to above to generate your keys.