Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Microsoft on track with Vista

According to a press release by Microsoft, they are on track to release Vista in November to all Volume License companies.

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Internet Explorer 7 Released

Microsoft released Internet Explorer 7 yesterday. I was in Columbia, Maryland and didn’t get a chance to check it out. I’ll be downloading it today to see how the final version works.

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XBox.com and XBox Live Still Offline

I guess Microsoft is running into some issues with the XBox.com/Live migration. It’s still offline.

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Color Copiers and Permission Issue

Many new enterprise-level copiers are equipped with color printing, copying, and scanning capabilities. Recently, we’ve replaced one of ours with a new Canon ImageRunner. In our setup, only one or two departments are allowed to print or copy in color, but we want everyone to be able to scan in color. So, we have created departmental codes for “logging in” to the copier and created mailboxes for print capabilities. One of the issues we ran into is with one of our custom apps. The app is quite old and desperately needs updating. When the app prints, it publishes data from SQL to an Access database. From there, the Access database prints a Snapshot report to a PDF file using Adobe Acrobat. The default print setting for the Adobe PDF writer is Color. We had to switch it to Black and White so the users would not receive an error message stating that their copy amounts have been exceeded. Very interesting stuff.

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Great 'How To' Videos

I’ve been so busy lately that catching up on some of the new things out there has been tough. The other day I found myself teaching someone about different parts of ASP.NET, LINQ, BLINQ, and the Microsoft AJAX Library (Codenamed “ATLAS”)….

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Busy Lately, But Can't Get Enough Of That Wally

I’ve been extremely busy lately working on a corporate acquisition and modifying a Microsoft SBA add-in that I’ve created. Really interesting stuff since we have such a unique business. Anyway, Wally noticed my Powered By IIS 6 logo on my website…

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Confusion about .NET 2.0/3.0, Orcas, Linq, Atlas, etc

Quite often in the user group world, members question what the difference is between .NET 2.0 and 3.0 or what LINQ and BLINQ are. Julie Lerman, a fellow user group leader and great .NET guru, ran into these similar issues. Yesterday she made a great post…

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New IIS Powered By Logos

There are now some new IIS Powered By logos for your site. Check them out at Brett’s blog here: http://brettblog.com/permalink,guid,76688040-efe1-4e50-985f-3c6bbf2c89f3.aspx

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DHTML Editing Control to Become Obsolete

Do you still use the DHTML ActiveX editing control in your web pages or application? If so, you may want to reconsider. When Vista is released, Microsoft will mark that control as obsolete. To read more about this, check out the MSDN article at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnlong/html/htmleditinfuture.asp.

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I've Received an MVP Award for 2007

I’ve been an MVP every year since 2003. This weekend I received a notice that I’ve received the MVP award again. Here’s the announcement: Dear Jason Gaylord, Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2007 Microsoft® MVP Award!…

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