Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Visual Basic 2005 Power Packs Look Very Cool

Yesterday, Microsoft introduced 2 new Visual Basic 2005 power packs. The first power pack will allow developers to create .NET forms and use them from within their VB6 applications (very cool). The second will make it easy to print VB forms without having to write too much code. Cool stuff. Also, if you visit the site, you can suggest power packs for the team to create. For more information check them out at http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/downloads/powerpacks/default.aspx.

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Visual Studio 2005 Issue With Loading New Item Dialog Box

For awhile last week I was having an issue with the Create Project and Create A New Item dialog boxes. I have been able to confirm that the issue did occur after the installation of VMWare and the Embassy Trust Suite (fingerprint) driver update. To resolve…

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September CTP of the Atlas Control Toolkit Released

Scott Guthrie has announced that the September CTP of the Atlas Control Toolkit has been released. One of the new features in this release is creating animations such as sliders and fades. You can download it here.

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Dell 2850 Hard Drives Going Offline

We have a fairly new Dell PowerEdge 2850. The hard drives were randomly going offline and flashing amber (orange). We thought at first that it was a bad hard drive, PERC card, or backplane, but apparently these SCSI drives are Maxtor Genesis hard drives with a need for a firmware upgrade. The firmware upgrade can be found on Dell’s support site here. The RAID must be in good health before running this update. So far, we’ve had no issues.

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Reset Your Homepage in Internet Explorer

Below is a basic Registry script to reset your Internet Explorer homepage. In this example, the homepage is being reset to jasongaylord.com: 

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Removing the Adobe Acrobat toolbar from MS Outlook

Below is the full registry key for Outlook 2003’s PDF add-in:

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MAC vs PC Commercials - Funny How Untrue It Is

Ever see those MAC vs PC commercials that talk about how Apple Mac is always on and never has bugs, etc? Interesting enough, MAC users are furious that their MAC laptops are rebooting. Check this out: http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2016295,00.asp?kc=EWNAVEMNL91506EOAD

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.NET Valley Meeting on September 20th

Upcoming Meeting: September 20th The next .NET Valley meeting will be held on Wednesday September 20th at Luzerne County Community College , Nanticoke PA. A map of the campus can be found here . We will meet in building 7, room 703 . The event will begi…

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Install Windows Vista RC1 on Virtual PC 2004

Virtual PC 2004 has something within its build that prevents the Vista RC1 from being setup. When the setup begins, you’ll receive an error message about a corrupt install.wim file following the entry of your installation code. To get around this issue, download the free version of Virtual Server 2005 RC2. Setup Vista using that. Then, if you’d prefer a smoother interface, you can disconnect your machine and connect to the vmc file using Virtual PC. You’ll receive a hardware warning message since you’re using a newer vmc, but it will let you load the vmc. Hope that helps!

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Atlas is now... Microsoft AJAX Library

Scott Guthrie has just announced the Microsoft “Atlas” road map and name on his blog. Be sure to read the full details here. Besides the name, the best thing to get out of his post is that the Microsoft AJAX Library will be released for version 1.0 sometime before Christmas. How cool is that?

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