Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Word Security Advisory; Microsoft Recommends Using Safe Mode

Microsoft Word was found to have a vulnerability by allowing remote execution of code. Although a patch is on the horizon, Microsoft is recommending that you run Microsoft Word in safe mode and disable Outlook from using Microsoft Word as the email editor. For more information, click on the link above.

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Office 2007 becomes "The 2007 Microsoft Office System"

Can you believe it? Another name change at Microsoft. Office 2007, which will most likely be called Office 2007 among IT professionals no matter what, has been changed to “The 2007 Microsoft Office System.” The full reasoning, which actually makes sense (especially points number 2 and 3), can be found here.

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Microsoft Codenames

I must have missed seeing this somewhere but Wikipedia has a complete listing of the Microsoft Codenames (to the best of my knowledge anyway) with their meaning. You can read about them at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_codenames.

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Microsoft Adds RSS Directory

Microsoft has recently added a new section on their website that contains all of their RSS feeds. You can check it out here: http://www.microsoft.com/rss/default.aspx

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Emphasis on User Groups at TechEd 2006

I wish I could go to this year’s TechEd 2006 in Boston, but I’ll be on vacation. Besides a pre-TechEd User Group Leaders Summit, this year’s TechEd will also host the New England Mega User Group Meeting. This meeting will feature What’s Hot and What’s …

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New IIS Website

Today Microsoft launched a new IIS website dedicated to bringing IIS resources together in one central repository. The website can be found by visiting http://www.iis.net. Some of the highlights of the site include IIS 7 information and starter kits.

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Reminder: .NET Valley Event Tomorrow

The next .NET Valley meeting will be held on Wednesday May 24th at Johnson College, Scranton PA. A map of the campus can be found here. We will meet at the Moffat building in computer lab 102. The event will begin at 6pm.Presenting for .NET Valley …

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ASP.NET Podcast Show #53

The ASP.NET Podcast show #53 has been released on the ASP.NET Podcast site. It includes a talk by Doug Reilly, Todd Miranda, and Dell “going” AMD. The main topic is an Atlas ListView and some declarative databinding.

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Off Topic: BBC News Interviews Wrong IT 'Guy'

One of my co-workers sent this link to me. It’s quite funny. I wonder if the wrong “Guy” ended up being hired? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4774429.stm

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ASP.NET Blogs Updated to Community Server

Finally the ASP.NET Blogs have been updated to Community Server 2.0. I know I’m a bit late on posting this, but I’ve been away and just realized this today. What a great jump from .TEXT to CS 2.0. If you notice any quarks, let me know and I’ll be sure…

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