.NET Valley - Steven Smith Presents Tonight!
.Net Valley Meeting
When: Tonight 6-8pm Where: Waterfront Banquet & Convention Center, Wilkes-Barre PA Who: Anyone who wants to attend Sponsor: International .NET Association (INETA) Speaker: Steven A. Smith (http://www.dotnetvalley.com/Speakers/169.aspx) Cost: Free!
.Net Valley will be hosting its next event at the Waterfront Banquet & Convention Center. There will be plenty of swag to hand out including Books, Software, and more! The first topic of the night will be covering “Custom Controls.” The second topic of the night will be covering “Caching.” If there are any questions regarding the meeting, please contact Jason at jgaylord@aspalliance.com. More information about this event can be found at http://www.dotnetvalley.com/Events/160.aspx.
If you plan on attending, please sign up online by noon on August 26th. Sign-ups can be taken at http://www.dotnetvalley.com/Discussion/General+Discussion/161.aspx.