Updating SBA causes issues while debugging Add-Ins
It’s been a little while since I’ve posted. Reason being, I’ve been hard at work building a few add-in modules for Microsoft Small Business Accounting 2006. Yesterday, I needed to install SBA and BCM SP1 on the server and client machines. Little did I realize that because I was debugging my add-ins using SBA.exe, my debugging database and resource files had the old sbaiapi.dll
and sbaapi.dll
. It appeared that when I ran my add-in in debug mode, VS.NET would replace the SP1 exe and dlls with the old ones. If I closed out of VS.NET and attempted to run SBA, it still wouldn’t work. I had to repair SBA. After I deleted the debugging files, temp files (including temporary resource files), and old compiled copies of the .dll, it worked with no issues.