Edition: #20

Phew! After an extra day off, there’s so many more links. Can’t wait to see the post when I take off two days in the middle of June.

Daily Joke - Video parodies Microsoft’s vision of the future (Suggested by Thomas Johansen)

.NET Languages – C# and Visual Basic

Alternate Languages – Java, Rails, and other Languages

Architecture, Design Patterns, and Testing


Desktop and Server Technology

Web Design, Layout, and Graphic Design

JavaScript and JavaScript Libraries

Mobile Devices

Podcasts and Videos

Social Networking and Community Platforms

Technology Deals

Visual Studio and Other IDEs

Miscellaneous Technology Announcements and News

Other Resources

Call For Speakers (Sorted by Date)

Upcoming Technology Events (Sorted by State) – Want something listed? Post your comments. Also, what’s the best way for me to list these events? By date order or by state, then city, then date?