Edition: #31

As a reminder, I will not be around really for the remainder of the week. If you don’t get a post from me, don’t be surprised. :) Normal posts will begin again on June 22nd.

Daily Words of Wisdom– Separation of Concerns also applies to blog posts (Posted by ayende)



Desktop and Server Technology

Web Design, Layout, and Graphic Design

Podcasts and Videos

Silverlight, WPF, and RIA

Job Opportunities (Sorted by State)

  • District of Columbia - AIS is looking for 2 cleared SharePoint/.NET Developers to work in DC. Go to https://jasong.us/3fd0Unr – Added 6/10/2009
  • Pennsylvania - VB6/VB.Net Developer. Contact James Colley at 888.768.3946. – Added 6/11/2009

Call For Speakers (Sorted by Date)

  • None

Upcoming Technology Events (Sorted by State) – Want something listed? Post your comments. Also, what’s the best way for me to list these events? By date order or by state, then city, then date?