Edition: #43

Please Note: I am in the process of converting this daily blog post over to a new web application. While my posting hasn’t been as frequent, I have big plans for continuing the Technology Post. Thanks in advance for your patience in this matter.

Daily Oddball10 Odd Things you can buy from Amazon – Tweeted by Dana Coffey

.NET Framework

Alternate Languages – Java, Rails, and other Languages

Architecture and Projects


Desktop and Server Technology

JavaScript and JavaScript Libraries

Mobile Devices

Silverlight, WPF, and RIA

Social Networking and Community Platforms

Web Design and Graphics

Miscellaneous Technology News

Other Link Lists

Today’s Birthdays

Upcoming Technology Events (Sorted by State) – Want something listed? Post your comments. Also, what’s the best way for me to list these events? By date order or by state, then city, then date?