TECHbash 2012: A Free Technology Conference in Northeastern Pennsylvania
Ever want to check out the latest technologies but have been too busy dealing with kids, co-workers, or angry birds? Now’s your chance. Push everything aside and get ready to attend the coolest conference in town. Well, it’s not in a town. Pennsylvania only has one of those. Rather, it’s at Luzerne County Community College in Nanticoke, PA. If you’re not familiar with Nanticoke, it’s a small township just south of the City of Wilkes-Barre and approximately 30 minutes south of Scranton, Pennsylvania. While the registration page is not available for TECHbash 2012 just yet, it doesn’t mean that you can’t prepare for the event. It’s really, really important that you do the following. It’s confusing so I’ll outline things for you:
- If you are a potential speaker, visit There are a few things we’ll need from you such as your first born, some DNA, your bank account information, … or maybe just a short bio, mugshot, topics, and short description of each proposed talk. But, don’t take my word for it, click the link above and see the “official” post.
- If you are a potential sponsor, visit You’ll find additional information about the event and a method for obtaining the sponsorship packet.
- If you are looking to just attend, learn some cool stuff, pick up some swag (software, shirts, etc.) and meet new people, we have nothing for you yet. I know. That’s horrible. Your pumped up, but can’t do anything. Well, that’s not entirely true. If you want to know when TECHbash 2012 registration will be available, you can sign-up for the notification list here: In addition, besides just adding a reminder, you’ll get a special referral code. Whatever attendee gets the most people to add a reminder using their specific referral code will win a super cool prize.
Thanks for taking the time to learn more. On behalf of .NET Valley and the TECHbash coordination team, we look forward to seeing you at TECHbash 2012.