Windows 8 Color Palette
So Windows 8 has a new custom Start screen that allows live tiles to be displayed and rearranged on a per user basis. They also allow complete customization of the new Start screen. This includes a few backgrounds that are updated based on the color choice the user selects. Each color choice comes with two colors – a default color for the live tile and a background color for the start menu.
The color choices resemble the following image:
As a developer, you may want to use one of these colors within your application. Rather than pulling the code from the file using a tool such as Adobe Photoshop, you can get the codes from here. I’ve taken the liberty of gathering these colors:
Windows 8 Palette |
Background (Outside) Color Live Tile (Inside) Color |
#252525 #f4b300 |
#252525 #78ba00 |
#252525 #2773ed |
#252525 #ae113e |
#311600 #632f00 |
#550004 #b11d01 |
#4f023a #c1004f |
#2e0251 #7200ad |
#1d0065 #4617b5 |
#00214f #006ac0 |
#00485e #008387 |
#004900 #189900 |
#17992c #00c140 |
#e66b1b #ff991d |
#b91d1e #ff2e13 |
#b31a6a #ff1d77 |
#681cb4 #aa3fff |
#1957ba #20aeff |
#599be5 #57c5ff |
#00a8a8 #00d8cd |
#82ba1b #91d100 |
#d39d09 #e1b700 |
#e165bb #ff76bc |
#686868 #00a4a5 |
#686868 #ff7d23 |
Hope this helps you build a stylish, Windows 8 themed application. If there are any changes or suggestions, please let me know