The Samsung Galaxy website and product offering appears to be very misleading. Sure the brand new Samsung Galaxy S20 UW is a new base version of the Galaxy series and contains 128MB inside the phone. However, the website touts that it can be expanded to 1TB which had many, including myself, looking for the slot. Instead, where the card usually goes is nothing more than the Verizon 5G SIM card. Apparently the reviews are coming in complaining about this. Since this phone was for my wife who still had 40% room left on her 128MB micro SD card that was in her Galaxy S9, the space is not a concern for me. We’ll make do as that’s why we use cloud storage. However, if this is a concern for you, buyer beware.

You can read more reviews on the Samsung website at

As of this post, you can get an unlocked version of this phone for only $799 at Amazon by clicking the image below: