Two Days Left! Submit Your Sessions Today!!
There is only 2 days remaining in the TechBash 2021 Call for Speakers (CFP). Talk submissions can be submitted for standard sessions or full-day workshops through 11:59pm ET on Friday, June 4th, 2021.
TechBash 2021 will take place at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center in the Pocono region in Pennsylvania October 19-22. We’ll kick off the week with an optional day of workshops on Tuesday, October 19th followed by three full days of sessions. There will be additional details forthcoming about our keynote presenter(s). For complete details about our CFP, read the TechBash post on the TechBash website. You may also submit your sessions right away on Sessionize.
We hope that the world continues making progress in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and that we can finally be back with our friends and colleagues this year at the Kalahari.
Stay posted for more information.