In today’s post, I’d like to highlight two key things:

  1. Pluralsight’s Free Month of Technical Training
  2. Spring is here

Pluralsight’s Free Month of Technical Training

For the entire month of April, Pluralsight is offering all of their 7000+ expert-led video courses for free. They’re calling this initiative #FREEapril.

If you haven’t heard of Pluralsight before, they are a company that provides technical training covering Software Development, IT Operations, and Information & Cyber Security.

You can find out more about this offer at

Spring is Here

The first day of Sprint occurred back on Thursday, March 19th, but with everything going on, you may not have had a chance to let that soak in. It’s a beautiful time to be outside and enjoy the weather. Go for a walk, observe nature, and if you have kids, use it as a great time to show and explain what’s happening outside. You may see bees pollinating flowers, snakes and groundhogs finding their place, or bright blue skies overhead. It’s a great way to take a moment and relax. In fact, on nice days, change your work environment scenery such as working outside from a covered porch or under a patio umbrella so you can still see your screen. Just ensure that if you’re on a call, you keep the outside noises to a minimum. Here are four pictures I took from a midday walk:

Below you’ll find the list of other posts in the series:

  1. COVID-19, Resources, and Technology
  2. Free Technical Training and Welcome Spring
  3. Use Docking Station from Home and Add Home Projects
  4. Technology Events in 2020
  5. Google’s Stadia Gaming Free for Two Months
  6. Debugging COVID-19 Data Using Excel
  7. Hiding Your Background When Working From Home
  8. Pixel by LabCorp Releases At Home Test
  9. Blockbuster Surviving Covid-19
  10. DevAroundTheSun a 24-hour Fundraiser May 12
  11. Repairing My Lenovo Yoga Pro 2
  12. Hard Drive Docking Station
  13. TechBash 2020, TechBash 2021, and COVID-19
  14. 2020 Year in Review Thus Far
  15. COVID-19 and Work From Home Update
  16. CodeMash 2021 is Cancelled
  17. Comcast Xfinity Data Cap Enforcement
  18. UPDATE: Comcast Xfinity Data Cap Enforcement
  19. TechBash 2021 Postponed
  20. Announcing TechBash 2022