Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Updating SBA causes issues while debugging Add-Ins

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted. Reason being, I’ve been hard at work building a few add-in modules for Microsoft Small Business Accounting 2006. Yesterday, I needed to install SBA and BCM SP1 on the server and client machines. Little did I realize that because I was debugging my add-ins using SBA.exe, my debugging database and resource files had the old sbaiapi.dll and sbaapi.dll. It appeared that when I ran my add-in in debug mode, VS.NET would replace the SP1 exe and dlls with the old ones. If I closed out of VS.NET and attempted to run SBA, it still wouldn’t work. I had to repair SBA. After I deleted the debugging files, temp files (including temporary resource files), and old compiled copies of the .dll, it worked with no issues.

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TECHbash 2005 Tonight!

Join us tonight for TECHbash 2005. The event will kick off at 4:30pm. All event details can be found at www.TECHbash.com.

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REMINDER: TECHbash 2005 Event Tomorrow Night! (.NET Valley Meeting)

As a reminder, the TECHbash 2005 event will be held tomorrow night, Wednesday November 30th, at Luzerne County Community College (Nanticoke, PA) in the Education Conference Center Building #10 room #132. If you have not yet registered for this event and plan to attend, please register at www.TECHbash.com/register. For more event information, visit http://www.techbash.com/events_view.aspx?eventID=1. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!

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Adding Auto-Suggest Functionality To A TextBox

I just read a pretty good article on adding auto-suggest functionality to a website. The article can be found at http://www.travelope.com/DeveloperCorner/article/. I have implemented a 3rd party product called EasySearchASP.net, which contains similar functionality, on my website. For those of you interested in seeing a common use for AJAX, be sure to check it out.

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ASP.NET 2.0 Hosting Trial

Microsoft has setup a free 30-day, no obligation, ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server 2005 hosting service. This service is to demonstate the power of 2.0 and to show off some of the starter kits. To get started, you can visit http://www.vwdhosting.net.

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XBox 360 Released - See the line at 5:00pm outside Best Buy

I took some pics of the line outside Best Buy in Wilkes-Barre, PA on November 21, 2005 at about 5:10pm. At that point, these individuals were going to bear 30 degree temperatures with rain and wind for another 15-16 hours. Check out the pics here: http://www.jasongaylord.com/photos/Photos.aspx?AlbumID=113.

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Atlas Wiki Released

In case you missed a late post by Paul Glavich late last week, the ASP.NET team has released a Wiki built using the Atlas controls (an AJAX library provided by Microsoft). You can download it here.

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Great Friend, MVP, and ASPInsider: Jim Ross Passes Away

I’ve been “offline” the past 4 days and just heard today that a great MVP and ASPInsider has passed on. Last week, Jim Ross died after battling sickness for many months. From what I’m told, his funeral was earlier today. As many have already mentioned, Jim will always be remembered. My heart goes out to his family in this time of mourning.

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Philly Launch A Success! Here comes Wilkes-Barre!

If you attended the Philadelphia launch event yesterday, then you already know it was a huge success. Kim Matlock did a remarkable job on this event, especially on the developer side. This was probably the best local event I’ve ever been to. It was cool to meet up with the other local user group leaders, such as Judy Calla (Harrisburg), Chris Waters (Allentown), and Bill Wolfe (Philadelphia). I also met some really cool people in the ATE area such as Bata (from the Team System Tools Team), Lenny Fenster (MS), Tim Edalatpour (MS), and Steve Mohr (Consultant).

Now that the Philly event is complete, its time to focus on the Wilkes-Barre / Scranton Pennsylvania launch event. This event will happen at .NET Valley’s TECHbash 2005 on November 30th beginning at 4:30pm. If you have not yet signed up for this event, please do so by visiting http://www.techbash.com/register.

We’ll see you there!

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I'll Be At The Philly Launch Event This Thursday!

I’ll be one of the few “man-ing” the booth at the Philadelphia, PA launch event this Thursday, November 17th. Be sure to stop in and say hello!

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