Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Brython: Python for Client-Side Web Programming

I saw a post online awhile back mentioning that Python can be used for everything including for the web. Out of curiosity I started looking into this more and came across Brython. Brython is Python for the browser and allows you to replace JavaScript with Python 3. For more examples, be sure to check out the Brython website by clicking the image below:

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axe, the Standard in Accessibility Testing

axe is a standard in accessibility testing that is trusted by Google, Microsoft, and several others. axe is available as a Chrome extension, Microsoft Edge (Chromium edition), and an Android application. They also have a web testing API, Android testing API, and Windows testing API.

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Microsoft Teams Enhancements Announced

Last month at Microsoft Inspire 2020, Microsoft made several Microsoft Teams announcements. Some of the changes include a new 24/7 management and monitoring service called Teams Rooms Premium that costs $50 per device per month. Microsoft also announced several new frontline worker features as well as DataFlex. For a complete list, read the post by Computer World.

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Using Liquid Templating Filters in Jekyll

My current site uses Jekyll, as I’ve indicated before. Jekyll uses the Liquid template language which is common within Jekyll, Salesforce desk, Zendesk, and many other platforms. While Jekyll uses Liquid, it does not use the most current version and does not support all of the appropriate templating filters. Therefore, you should check out the Liquid section of the Jekyll site which can be found at jekyllrb.com/docs/liquid/.

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Microsoft REST API Guidelines

Microsoft has released a best practice or design principle to encourage developers to build RESTful APIs. This guide provides a good list of “SHOULDs” to ensure a consistent design of the APIs. Even better, the team is keeping their recommendations updated by using a GitHub repository. You can check out the guidelines by visiting https://github.com/microsoft/api-guidelines/blob/vNext/Guidelines.md.

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Install the Angular Language Service extension for Visual Studio

If you are an Angular developer and you also use Visual Studio, you should be using the Angular Language Service extension for Visual Studio. This extension provides rich editing and Intellisense for both inline and external templates. Last week I posted about this extension being available for VS Code. Previously it was unavailable for Visual Studio. By using this extension in both, you’ll have a consistent experience.

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Samsung Galaxy Unpacked Event August 5, 2020

On August 5, 2020 at 10am EDT (7am PDT), Samsung will be hosting their annual Samsung Galaxy Unpacked event. Between now and then, you can save $50 by reserving your next Galaxy device. The rumors are swirling, but what we’d expect to see is the Samsung Galaxy Note 20, the Samsung Galaxy Fold 2, Samsung Galaxy Watch 3, new Samsung Galaxy Buds, and the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7.

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Keurig Review: Out with the old, In with the new

After 10 years, my Keurig Elite has finally kicked the bucket. My model looked very similar to the following:

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Microsoft Outlook View in Browser Needs Updating

Since the 2003 version, Microsoft Outlook has contained a “View in Browser” option for HTML emails. This would allow the browser to handle the emails in a more compliant way. However, Microsoft has not improved this option since 2007. As a result, you’ll notice when clicking the “View in Browser” option as depicted in Outlook 2019 for Office 365 below (notice the area inside the red box), the email will open in Internet Explorer as opposed to your default browser.

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Schedule Pull Request Merges in GitHub using a GitHub Action

I’m currently using GitHub Pages and Jekyll to serve up my website. I frequently write blog posts days if not weeks ahead of time. In fact, at the time of this post, if you checked my repository, you’ll probably see several pull requests that will be merged in at some point in the next week. Last weekend, I went camping and had to find an Internet connection every time I wanted to merge a pull request. All that did was keep me from enjoying the lack of connectivity. Finally, I don’t have to pause what I’m doing to merge in each day.

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