Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Tip: Changing an Azure App Service Time Zone

It’s possible that you need your application to handle the datetime values being sent to your app service. One reason for this is that date and time values being passed in may not include the proper time zone designation. By default, Azure Web Apps use UTC settings. To change this value, visit your Azure App Service. In the App Service menu, scroll to Application settings. Add a new setting under Application Settings called WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE.

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Watch: Jeremy Likness discusses NoSQL for .NET SQL Developers

At TechBash earlier this month, Jeremy Likness shared an in-depth overview of NoSQL. He talked about Azure CosmosDB and different types of NoSQL data structures. Jeremy blogged about it placing the full deck of his presentation on his site at https://blog.jeremylikness.com/say-yes-to-nosql-for-net-sql-developers-74391f785133.

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Tip: Emergency Editing using App Service Editor

Imagine that you’ve published a web app to an app service in Azure. You’ve tested the app and then head out to dinner with family and friends. You decide to showcase your website over dinner and see an error. Now what?

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Connecting Azure DevOps to Azure Active Directory

A lot of groups start out by using Azure DevOps or another source control system using individual user accounts. However, as your organization continues to grow, you will likely need to connect to a directory such as Azure Active Directory to authenticate users. For Azure DevOps, this is really quite simple. To do this, log into the Azure portal as an Application Administrator or Global Administrator. Once you are logged in, click on All Services in the menu to the left and scroll until you find ‘Azure DevOps Services organizations (formerly Team Services)’. Click on the appropriate DevOps organization. If you don’t see the organization you are expecting, be sure you are at least a Project Administrator in the DevOps instance. Then, you’ll see the settings come up similar to the following:

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Announcing TechBash 2019

Using an Azure Logic App to Broadcast an Article

Ten years ago when I was an avid blogger, I relied quite heavily on Feedburner to consume my RSS feed and distribute to subscribers. That worked, but social media wasn’t really a thing yet and readers relied quite heavily on feed readers for news. Today, most “subscribers” follow content using social media, such as Twitter or LinkedIn, or content aggregators, such as Reddit or Medium. So, when building my new blog, I thought about how I can best communicate posts that I make to others. Traditionally, I could use something like IFTTT or Zapier. Microsoft also has a competing product called Microsoft Flow. However, I may want to add some additional logic before communicating to the world. For this, I can use the product that power Microsoft Flow called an Azure Logic App.

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Explore Storage in Azure Blobs using Storage Explorer

Azure has had Storage for a very long time. Typically you would use AZCopy to copy Azure blob storage to your local machine. What you may not know is that Azure Storage Explorer allows you to view your storage as well including uploading, downloading, and copying URLs for your files and folders. Download it today by visiting https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/features/storage-explorer/.

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Watch: Jeff Fritz discusses .NET Tips and Tricks

At TechBash 2018, Jeff Fritz discussed .NET Framework Improvements, Tips and Tricks. The video can be watched on the TechBash YouTube Channel. As the TechBash Foundation will be launching additional videos over the next several weeks, I highly recommend subscribing to the channel to keep posted on what’s coming next.

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Tickets Available for Philly.NET Code Camp 2018.2

The 2018.2 Philly.NET Code Camp tickets are now on sale for both Friday and Saturday starting at just $20 for Saturday alone. If you obtain a Friday ticket, you will also receive access for the Saturday sessions. Friday is structured very similar to the workshops you would expect to see at TechBash. These workshops are all day workshops and cover a variety of the hottest topics ranging from Bots, AI, and Machine Learning to Mastering Git and GitHub with DevOps. The Friday workshops range from $76-$116.

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Securing Your Website for Free

If you concern yourself with security, you probably have heard of Troy Hunt. Over the years, Troy has blogged about numerous free SSL services including Let’s Encrypt and Cloudflare. He’s also blogged a lot about why static websites need HTTPS. I’ve long been a fan of Let’s Encrypt and use Azure WebApps for many of my projects, especially those that are supporting non-profit organizations, such as TechBash, or those for personal use such as my own blog. So, while this post will specifically target those using Azure, you can and should use Let’s Encrypt or Cloudflare regardless of your hosting provider.

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