Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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So Where Have I Been Now?

I figured you may ask. Since my last post, I have been working hard to prepare and organize Northeastern PA’s only true technology conference, TECHbash 2012. The event was great! Everything was a huge success and the attendees seem to be pumped up for TECHbash 2013. Although we’re still 11 months away from our next event, we are already planning for the next one. If you think you may be interested in speaking, sponsoring, or volunteering, please let me know. We’ll have our first meeting regarding the event in August to begin carving out the details.

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Open Source Microsoft–Build MVC, WebAPI, Razor, and WebPages

Scott Guthrie has announced on his blog that as of this very moment, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebAPI, and WebPages with Razor syntax have all been open sourced on CodePlex at http://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com. That’s huge news. Oh and the ASP.NET Web Stack can be repo’d using TFS, SubVersion, Mercurial, and newly added Git.

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Should Microsoft and Amazon put Windows 8 on the Kindle?

A co-worker of mine sent off a Fox News article yesterday about a Former Microsoft employee that is “fixing” Windows 8. After reading the article, my first take away was another person explaining the Windows 8 UI flaws. Seriously? Those articles are a dime a dozen. Whenever you change the user interface of any system there will always be resistance. Don’t believe me? How about when Facebook users were upset about the Facebook UI changes? They didn’t up and leave to Google+ now did they? Rather than dive into what’s right with Windows 8, I’d like to explain my second take away a bit more.

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Preventing Web Applications from Inheriting Parent Dependencies (bin)

Have you ever created a web application for something specific such as a standalone web app (forum, photo gallery, web service, etc.) while using ASP.NET and received this:

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JavaScript onClick Navigation Issues within Google Chrome are Solved

For the longest time, If I needed to use an onclick event for navigation (div or some other page element), I’d use something similar to:

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Finding Microsoft File Transfer Manager

Earlier today, Microsoft released Windows 8 Beta. Of course, when I was downloading it, I had to leave and head to another building. So, I paused my download in the Microsoft File Transfer Manager. However, I couldn’t find it easily again. I finally found a blog post saying it was called TransferMgr.exe. I searched my machine and found it at “C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files\TransferMgr.exe”. Be sure to look for it there first in the event of needing it.

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Bring Back Visual Studio 11 Installation Customization

Earlier today Microsoft released Visual Studio 11 Beta as a general release. One of the first things you may notice is that the installation customization of VS11 Beta has been removed. If you are installing VS11 on Windows 8 Beta, you’re looking at consuming around 20GB of disk.

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Using Data Annotations in the .NET Framework

Starting with .NET 4 or MVC3, a developer could use a data annotation on a property to force data validation. This is extremely powerful especially for MVC developers. The same data annotations can also be used when building custom modules for Orchard CMS.

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Resolving an SmtpException stating 'Too many messages for this session'

Have you ever noticed an exception being thrown by your application stating something like the following:

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TECHbash 2012: A Free Technology Conference in Northeastern Pennsylvania

Ever want to check out the latest technologies but have been too busy dealing with kids, co-workers, or angry birds? Now’s your chance. Push everything aside and get ready to attend the coolest conference in town. Well, it’s not in a town. Pennsylvania only has one of those. Rather, it’s at Luzerne County Community College in Nanticoke, PA. If you’re not familiar with Nanticoke, it’s a small township just south of the City of Wilkes-Barre and approximately 30 minutes south of Scranton, Pennsylvania. While the registration page is not available for TECHbash 2012 just yet, it doesn’t mean that you can’t prepare for the event. It’s really, really important that you do the following. It’s confusing so I’ll outline things for you:

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