Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Using HTML 5 Geolocation, Google Maps to Generate Driving Distance

HTML5 will introduce many new and exciting features including the addition of geolocation. Geolocation allows a device to determine a global position of the device (latitude and longitude), it’s accuracy (horizontal accuracy and vertical accuracy), altitude, and speed. The Geolocation feature in HTML 5 is already supported by most mainstream browsers. According to research performed by Mark Pilgrim, the following browser support Geolocation:

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ASP.NET MVC 4 and Web API Beta Released

The ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta and Web API Beta have just been released. You can visit the asp.net, msdn.microsoft.com, or Microsoft Download Center to download the latest bits.

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State of Apple after Steve Jobs

Now that Steve Jobs has passed away at the age of 56, take a moment and grieve. After that period has passed, reflect. Reflect on the state of Microsoft after Bill Gates left and dedicated the majority of his time to his foundation. Reflect on the state of Dell Computers when Michael Dell left. There was a reason he came back. And now Apple has lost it’s leader as well. The original three from Apple are no longer there. What does the future hold? New Apple CEO, Tim Cook, has been criticized for the lack of pop in his presentation earlier this week. If this is any indication of the future, what does this do to the state of Apple?

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Converting a .NET DateTime object to a JavaScript Date object

When using a WCF or ASMX web service in ASP.NET, you might find the need to pass back a DateTime object via JSON. However, what you might not realize is that by passing a .NET DateTime object back to JavaScript, you’d receive an “Invalid date” script exception. The data being passed back to JavaScript may resemble the following:

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Calculating Dell Power Consumption for Servers

We are in the process of building out a new data center. One of the items I needed to know was a rough estimate of our new, monthly electrical bill. In some cases, you may need to show a return on investment (ROI) for going to a virtualized environment using VMWare or Microsoft Hyper-V. You can calculate the number of watts your devices use by visiting http://www.dell.com/calc.

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Port your Android or iPhone apps to Windows Phone 7

Did you know that your current Android or iPhone apps can be ported to Windows Phone 7? Now, there’s no “easy” button that will auto-magically convert the apps for you. However, in a post on June 9th, 2011, the Windows Phone team explained how Android apps can be converted. Microsoft has provided an easy package for Android developers. The package includes:

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Using Web.config Transforms in ASP.NET

One of my team members was working on an issue today within an application. The application is setup to use web.config transformations. Web.config transforms are a great way to create multiple build configurations (including, but not limited to, the debug and release build configuration that are built-in) and allow different configuration settings based on the build. For instance, you may have a database connection set to your localhost when you are debugging locally. However, you can use web.config transforms to change the server name when you publish the application using the release build configuration. This can also be used to ensure that every time you publish an application as a release, debug and trace are disabled for your application.

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Changing the Title in the Tile Icon of a Windows Phone 7 Application

If you’ve built a Windows Phone 7 application, you may have noticed that if you pin your application to the Start menu, the name of your application appears in the lower, left-hand side of the tile. You can change the text in this tile, by right-clicking on the application and going to properties. On the Application menu, modify the Tile title properties. A sample of this area is displayed below:

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Disneyland Adventures due out November 15th, 2011

Earlier today at the E3 Expo, Microsoft unveiled several new features to Xbox Live, Kinect, and announced several new games including Halo 4, Kinect Sports Season Two, and Kinect Disneyland Adventures. Kinect Disneyland Adventures is pegged to be the first Kinect game including Disney characters. I stumbled across a screenshot that appears the game will be released on November 15th this year.

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Blog Moved to JasonGaylord.com

I’m leaving this blog up for now. However, all new blog content is being moved to JasonGaylord.com. I’m posting lots of things regarding MVC, Orchard, WP7 and other new Microsoft technologies. Be sure to check it out today at http://JasonGaylord.com.

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