Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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The WeatherDotCom Widget for Orchard CMS

If you’ve checked out my new website recently, you may have noticed that I have included the weather on the site. Mouse over on the right-hand side and you’ll notice a “bing-like” box that will appear. I’ll talk about this a bit more in a bit, but you’ll notice that the weather pulls for my local zip code. These are the results from the Weather Channel’s weather.com.

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Orchard CMS Command Line Exception

Late last week when I was at CodeStock 2011, I ran into an error with the orchard.exe command line utility. The exception generated looked similar to the following:

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Grow Your Website using Orchard

I’m just wrapping up a trip to Eastern Tennessee’s CodeStock 2011 (in Knoxville to be precise). While I was down here, I presented on the Orchard CMS. Both the conference and talk were great and while I’m never really satisfied with any of my talks, I have recorded it. It will soon be available on the CodeStock website for all to view at a later date and time. However, I know that Michael Neel is quite busy and it may take him another day (or week) to get everything up there. So, I’ve jumped the gun and published it up myself. Be sure to check it out:

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Preparing for CodeStock 2011

I arrived in Sevierville, TN last evening in preparation for CodeStock 2011. I’ll be presenting about the Orchard CMS tomorrow at 12:30pm in room 401. You can read more about the talk on the CodeStock site at http://codestock.org/Sessions/grow-your-website-using-orchard.aspx. I’ll be posting pictures later on after visiting various stops.

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Welcome to my new Website

After several years of promise, I’m finally ready to deliver my new website. This website is using a combination of technologies for the web. Much of the content is formatted to use HTML 5. The base site uses a content management system called Orchard. The current version of Orchard, Orchard 1.1, has been written using ASP.NET MVC 3 and the Razor view engine. Much like other CMS solutions, modules can be used to extend the functionality of the system. In my case, I decided to write a couple of modules (as well as a custom theme) to fit the needs of my website. These will be made available in the Orchard Gallery at a later date and time. I look at this new site as being a “work in progress.” I’ll plan on adding more content such as tutorials for Orchard and ASP.NET as well as small videos and opinions of various technologies. Be sure to check back often and subscribe to my blog feed.

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The Orchard CMS Gazette

Since my new site is based on Orchard and I’m hyped to start creating modules and customizing Orchard, I figured I’d share the links that I find on Twitter and Facebook with all. Subscribe today to the Orchard CMS Gazette by visiting http://jasong.us/mCCq3g. The publication will pull recent posts and articles submitted on Twitter and Facebook containing popular Orchard search terms. If you have any suggestions to improve this digital publication, please let me know by leaving a comment.

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Resolving ASP.NET MVC 2 RC 2 Installation Errors

On a Virtual Machine, I had Visual Studio 2008 SP1 installed along with ASP.NET 3.5 SP1. I tried installing the newly released ASP.NET MVC 2 Release Candidate 2 on that machine and received the following:

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Review: Stack Overflow DevDays Boston

So after having a full day of recovery (11 hours in the car within a 36 hour period), I’m back to the grind. I wanted to provide a quick review of what I saw and what I thought of the conference.

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DYK: You can remove the ASP.NET MVC version from the Response Header

Did you know that you can remove X-AspNetMvc-Version from the response header on your ASP.NET MVC web application?

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The Technology Post for July 16th, 2009

Edition: #43

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