Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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TECHbash 2007 is a Month Away! Register Today!

TECHbash 2007 is now officially one month away. It’s hard to believe that in four weeks you’ll have access to some of the latest topics and concepts in the technology world. Don’t hesitate, be sure to sign-up today at http://techbash.com/registration…

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Register Again for TECHbash 2007!

Even if you registered already for TECHbash 2007, be sure to register again to be certain we have your registration. Some registrations did not contain any sessions and we want to be sure we have your spot (and your swag), ready for you! Visit techbash.com/registration.

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Daily WTF - Deleting SQL Data (or Properly Formatting SQL)

We’ve been having an issue with one of our database tables’ mysteriously deleting data at random. We could have swore it was some sort of SQL intrusion or code bug. We leaned towards SQL intrusion because this database has been in use for quite some time. However, that was not the case. A new Stored Procedure that touched this table was added recently. In quick review, it didn’t appear that anything was wrong. Here it is:

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FIX: Random ASP.NET Compilation Issues Resolved

Scott Guthrie posted a fix on his blog yesterday regarding random ASP.NET compilation issues. I’ve received these issues before when working on projects especially the following type of issue:

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Debugging ASP.NET Pages that use the AJAX UpdatePanel

I ran into an issue earlier today where I had a web control inside of an UpdatePanel that was causing some errors. So, I began looking for ways to circumvent removing the UpdatePanel and reading it at a later time. I posted a message out on the ASPAdvice.com lists and received 2 great responses. One was from Mike Campbell who pointed me to the “official” debugging page on AJAX (http://ajax.asp.net/docs/overview/ASPNETAJAXDebuggingAndTracingOverview.aspx). The other was from Wally McClure who pointed out that since the issue was server side, I had two options. First, I could have attached VS.NET to the IIS process on the remote machine (although the machine would have needed Visual Studio Remote Debugging enabled). Or, I could modify the script manager on my site. I opted for the second option. I created a Page\_Init event on my master page which is where the script manager is located. I then set the SupportsPartialRendering property to False. This allowed me to see the server side error messages.

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Announcing TECHbash 2007 (Northeastern Pennsylvania)

TECHbash 2007 TECHbash 2007 will be on Saturday, May 19th, 2007 from 8:30am until 2:30pm at Luzerne County Community College. More specific details about the event can be found at techbash.com . What is TECHbash 2007? Today’s IT professionals and…

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My 'Ego'

Have you tried Ego Surf yet? Here’s my ego:…

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DotNetSlackers Has Xbox 360 Giveaway

Repost from DotNetSlackers and .NET Valley : “DotNetSlackers is proud to present its authors with the chance to win 1 of 3 Xbox 360 Core Systems (worth 299$). Simply write an article for DotNetSlackers, following our Submission Guidelines, and you’ll…

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Expression Web Fails Me

I was using Expression Web to setup a basic CSS layout for a demo I was doing. I had a header, menu, 2 column body, and a footer. The two column body was setup using 2 divs inside of a parent div. Each div used a float attribute which floated the element to the left or right. When viewing in Expression Web and IE, there were no issues. However when viewing in FireFox, the footer element creped up into the parent element. I struggled for hours looking over the styles and thinking maybe I missed a closing tag somewhere. Turns out, I was missing the clear attribute in the footer. Its nice that when I run the CSS reports in Expression Web, everything checked out fine.

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Generic Host Process on Windows XP Boot

I kept receiving an error message when trying to boot up my PC. I continually received the error message: The instruction at “0x745f2780” referenced memory at “0x00000000”. The memory could not be “read”. and was tied to a Svchost.exe error. I’d also receive a Generic Host Process error message. If I browsed the details, it would not provide any information. After reviewing plenty of forum posts online, I finally came to the conclusion that my Windows Update (or Microsoft Update) has crashed. KB 931852 details a quick and painless way to fix this issue. However, I could not get the service to stop before receiving the message. So, I created a quick batch file and placed it in the Start menu. We run WSUS on site so that probably helped cause this issue. Also, we have automatic updates selected and disabled the ability to change this option in a global policy (nice, huh?). So, the batch file was my only chance. Here is the contents:

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