Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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'Losing' Membership Data When Migrating ASP.NET 2.0 Websites

On one of the email lists earlier in the week, someone struggled with moving the Membership portion of their website from a staging environment to production environment. I’ve seen this many times before and have a solution. Scott Guthrie has posted about this awhile ago. Many developers use the built-in providers without specifying the properties of each section. It is important that the applicationName be set in the web.config. If not, you’ll run into the same struggles. Scott’s post detailing what I’m talking about can be found here.

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Fellow ASPInsider to Present at .NET Valley

Julie Lerman, an ASPInsider from Vermont, will be visiting Northeastern Pennsylvania on July 20th, 2006 to present to the .NET Valley User Group in Wilkes-Barre, PA. Julie will be speaking about the 5 scariest things about .NET that don’t have to be. If you’ve never seen Julie present before, it’s a real treat. Be sure to stop on out. Visit DotNetValley.com for more event details including directions.

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See Windows Vista

Want to see a pretty good flash site on Windows Vista? Visit Microsoft’s seewindowsvista.com website. It’s a pretty cool design. I wonder how many flying windows there were before they started scrapping features?

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Referencing Classes in ASP.NET 2.0

I was reading a list response by Joteke (Teemu Keiski) earlier about referencing a class in an ASP.NET 2.0 project. In ASP.NET 2.0, if your class is in a code file in the App_Code folder, you do not need to include the assembly in the page directive in the page code. Also, if you are referencing a class in the web.config, you no longer have to reference the “class library name, class name” if the class file is in the App_Code folder. All files in the App_Code folder will be pre-compiled and will use the same class library name as the IL pulled from the rest of the project uses.

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.NET Valley Event - July 20th INETA Sponsored Julie Lerman

.NET Valley

.NET Valley Meeting: Thursday July 20th

INETA Sponsored Event

The next .NET Valley meeting will be held on Thursday July 20th at Luzerne County Community College, Nanticoke PA. A map of the campus can be found here. We will meet in building 7, room 703. The event will begin at 6pm. This will be an INETA sponsored event.

Presenting for .NET Valley will be Julie Lerman, a Microsoft MVP, leader of the Vermont .NET User Group, and brain power behind the Data Farm.

5 Supposedly Scary Things about .NET (That Don’t Have to Be) (6:00pm - 7:45pm)
There are a number of topics that many developers typically tend to avoid when learning .NET. But they really don’t need to be so intimidating. This session will explore five of these daunting challenges - delegates, reflection, threading, Code Access Security (CAS) and declarative programming. The goal of this talk is to give attendees a high level, conceptual understanding of these topics – enough to recognize where they can help you in your application development and confidence to dig deeper on your own.

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Microsoft Incentives for Licensing

Ever receive those spam messages saying that you can save up to 50% on your Microsoft licensing? Well, you can. Microsoft has a website for submitting rebates and for viewing licensing incentives. To see what I mean, visit MicrosoftIncentives.com.

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Find Exploits In Nearly Anything

HD Moore, a popular hacker, has recently updated his controversial exploit framework called Metasploit Framework. This framework has plug-in modules to allow users to test everything from their browsers to their operating system and from certain applications to their web server. One of the most interesting modules is the CSS exploit module in which HD Moore created a web test for. You can try out the test here. Also, check out HD Moore’s Month of Browser Bugs blog at http://browserfun.blogspot.com/.

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Off Topic: Selling 2 Domain Names

I’m selling two domain names I’ve had for awhile. They are courseknowledge.com and courseknowledge.net. I have them up on eBay, but if anyone is interested in them, ping me. You can view my eBay listing on these here.

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Starting Up A User Group

Julie Lerman pointed out a great blog series about starting up a user group. The series was put together by Donald Belcham of the Edmonton .NET User Group. You can see the series here.

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2007 Office System Possibly Delayed

Go figure, the 2007 Office System might be delayed again according to eWeek. That will be a bummer.

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