Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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CompletePC in Windows Vista

For some time now I thought it would be nice for Microsoft to offer a backup application that will completely back up the entire PC. Well, now it looks like they have. The feature is called CompletePC Backup. From what I have heard from others, you can also remove the SID information from the backup to allow imaging. If that’s the case I can finally use just Windows instead of Windows and DriveImage (others may still use Ghost).

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Snag Using DotNetNuke Starter Kit Setup

It must not be my week at all. I was trying to build the VB.NET addition of DotNetNuke Starter Kit 4.3, but ran into a snag. Apparently, DNN could not load type DotNetNuke.Modules.Forum.AttachmentPage in Forum\Forum_Attachment.aspx. It’s probably a common error (at least I hope it is), but I’ll have to do some research.

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SharePoint 2007 Beta 2 - Installation Snag 1

Well, I tried installing the SharePoint 2007 beta 2 and my services won’t start. The very first error I received was:

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Good Article - Visual Studio Team System Load Test Results Via A Configurable Web Site

I was looking through the June MSDN magazine and found a pretty good article on viewing Visual Studio Team System load test results with a configurable web site. You can read it here.

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Robots Taking After House Flies

I just read an interesting article talking about how flies walk on ceilings. The article wrapped up by talking about how scientists and engineers are looking into this with robots. You can read the article here.

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Bill Gates "Top 10" (Now that he is stepping down)

Now that Bill Gates has decided to step down, Mary Jo Foley from Microsoft Watch has put together a list of the “Top 10 Flops of the Bill Gates Era.” You can read about them here. I think the two that stand out the most in everyone’s mind (even Microsoft employees that worked on or around these teams) are numbers 1 and two.

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Unpreventable Security Exploits

One of my colleagues, Steven Smith from ASPAlliance, pointed out an article to me involving an “unpreventable” security exploit. In short, a group of consultants were hired to assess security at a credit union. They planted some USB pen drives with a white trojan providing information to the network. Employees then found the drives, picked them up, and plugged them into their PCs [FULL ARTICLE]. Not good. This is one type of an “unpreventable” security exploit. I say its unpreventable because IT cannot prevent this. Rather, its the employees responsibility to learn what is acceptable and what is not. This is just one of the hardships that many IT professionals run into. It’s not always a hole in the operating system or a virus in an email.

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Off Topic: Look What I Missed!

Sure, I’m gone for a week and I miss a ton! I’ll be sharing details about my vacation, my new toy, and my yard over the next few days, but I figured I’d provide a highlight reel from the past week in technology. Probably the most interesting announcement is that by July 2008, Bill Gates will no longer be a full time employee at Microsoft. I have a tough time believing that he will ever stop influencing that company. Another individual, Robert Scoble is leaving Microsoft as well but in a more “permanent” fashion ;) . I also missed all of the cool and interesting presentations, releases, and talks at TechEd 2006 in Boston. However, from the sounds of it, the event location was not a good one. Then, Microsoft decided to change the name of WinFX to .NET 3.0. Can you believe that 2.0 hasn’t been out for a year yet and we already know 3.0 is on its way? Blinq was released by the ASP.NET team at TechNet as well. Blinq is a prototype application that will create add/edit/delete/select statements in LINQ based on your database schema for your app. Stephen Walther, Dave Sussman, and Alex Homer released their ASP.NET 2.0 books. All three of these guys are probably the top authors for ASP.NET. Finally, I saw that someone created a GoogleMaps control.

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Google Utilizes JExcelAPI for Google Spreadsheets

Google released Google Spreadsheets on June 5th. One of the features of Google spreadsheets is to export and import Excel (xls) files. Google has accomplished this rather easily by using the Java Open API for Excel. After messing with it in my test account, its a pretty cool utility for uploading and creating spreadsheets in a pinch, but its definitely not a replacement for Excel.

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Web Safe Color Listing

I’ve added a new section to my website called the HTML Guide. It’s really nothing more than a reference guide for HTML. I’ll slowly add items to the site there. You can check out my first installment which is a listing of web safe colors by clicking here.

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