Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Final Day of Judging for the WebAwards 2020

For the past 17 years, I’ve been a judge for the Web Marketing Association’s Web Awards. Each year, I notice small, incremental trends in the way companies approach design.

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Announcing SpaacedOut Gem Jekyll Theme v1.1.1

Back in May, I had announced a new Jekyll theme called SpaacedOut. I’ve been making small, incremental changes on the theme since that time. This update is no different. The changes I made in this update are:

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Cross-Origin Destinations are Unsafe

Did you know that when you link to another page on your site and open that other page using target="_blank" that you can cause performance and security issues? Most folks are unaware. It’s best practice to modify your links to add either rel="noopener" or rel="noreferrer" to these links to avoid these issues.

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Adding Azure Feature Flags to Client Side Applications like Angular

Previously, I posted about adding Azure App Configuration and Feature Flags using Azure to an ASP.NET Core MVC application. In this post, we’ll follow the same basic process, but we’ll setup our Angular application to support the Azure Feature Flags. At this point, I’m assuming that you are familiar with the following items:

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How to Create and Delete Branches in Visual Studio Code

When checking in code into source control, especially in a continuous integration and deployment process, it’s best to use pull requests. Using pull requests allows others, including virtual bots, to review your code and to ensure there are no build issues. I use this process frequently within GitHub when building my personal website.

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Azure App Configuration Library 1.1.0 Officially Released

The Azure App Configuration library version 1.0.1 caused client side connection issues. I shared the message in my original post back on 6/23. On 6/29, I posted about a temporary work around to this problem. I was notified late yesterday that version 1.1.0 of the Azure App Configuration library has been officially released. You can grab the latest version by either visiting the official @azure/app-configuration NPM page or by running npm i @azure/app-configuration from a command line within your project.

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Creating and Merging Pull Requests in GitHub

GitHub has been spending a lot of time over the past few years improving their features above and beyond source control. One of the areas they have invested in is Pull Requests. I’ll start by assuming that you have a branch in GitHub and changes have been pushed to that branch.

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Calling all Developers - We're Hiring!

I’m looking for passionate developers looking to grow within a stable company called biBerk. biBerk is a commercial insurance company and part of the Berkshire Hathaway family. I’ve listed a few of the highlights for each opening below. Some of the openings have more than one position. Please apply directly using the link within each position and reach out to me for any more specific questions.

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Walmart to add Drive-In Movies Starting August

Walmart has decided to team up with Tribeca Entertainment and offer 320 showings across 160 store parking lots from August through October. While information is limited, Walmart recommends that you check out walmartdrive-in.com, or follow them on Facebook or Twitter.

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Salute to the USA

On Wednesday this week, I wrote a short blurb about 2020 thus far. While we mostly cannot celebrate in the same manner that we normally would, Americans will still take today to pause and thank those that have served our country. We’ve made great strides as a country since 1776, and I challenge our country to make even more strides in the next 6 years when we celebrate 250 years as a nation. There are still many Americans that don’t feel free or independent. We have work ahead of us and I’m certain that we’ll get there. Let’s not dwell on the past but change the future.

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