Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Weather.com Drops Support for Internet Explorer 7

Earlier this evening, I visited weather.com to find the following:

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Syncing "Application Installations" Across Windows 8 Machines

Windows 8 has done a great job with syncing settings across machines. So good in fact that you can even see what you’ve “purchased” from the Windows Store and what you’ve “purchased” that is not installed. I’m using the term “purchased” loosely as this infers that you’ve downloaded and includes free apps.

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Dropping MS SQL Tables that have a Prefix using T-SQL

How many times have you wanted to drop a selection of Microsoft SQL Server tables that have begin with some common characters? I have many times especially when I’m testing certain web applications, such as Orchard CMS, and using different database prefix values to switch between instances. Thanks to Curt Hagenlocher over at a StackOverflow post, I now can.

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Being a Microsoft MVP for 10 Years

First of all, thanks to all who are involved with the Microsoft MVP program for acknowledging the technical community. It is much appreciated.

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Microsoft Stack for Startups

One of the questions I’ve been getting asked lately at user group meetings, advisory board meetings, and lunch discussions about technology is “What startups are using Microsoft technology?” The perception is that building on top of the Microsoft stack costs money, much more than using LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). Let’s see what Microsoft can offer as of today.

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Embed JavaScript in Custom ASP.NET Server Controls

As ASP.NET evolves, using ASP.NET WebForms is still the most popular way to serve up ASP.NET. One of the biggest benefits of ASP.NET WebForms is the fact that we can use re-usable code in several ways including in a compiled server control. What you may not know is that server controls can be quite powerful and can allow referencing JavaScript files. But, if you’re distributing your controls or do not have the means to host your JavaScript files on a content delivery network (CDN), you may want to package the files with your control.

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Windows Store is Missing Enterprise Capabilities

The Windows Store is great. Seriously, it is. There are some minor issues with it that I’d like to see such as a way to track “recommended apps” by either your friends or by Microsoft and a way to sort Games by “Xbox” titles. However, the biggest thing the Windows Store is missing is a way for businesses to handle it.

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Did Acer hurt the chances of the Microsoft Surface?

Remember back in August when Acer’s JT Wang suggested that if Microsoft priced the Surface with Windows RT at $199 that it would negatively impact it’s partners and vendors? So now that the Apple event is over and we heard Apple announce the iPad Mini at $329, here’s where the Microsoft Surface with Windows RT stands in terms of price:

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Windows 8 Pre-Orders Prevalent

With Windows 8 just 3 days away from being officially released to consumers, manufacturers are pushing machines out to distributors everywhere. Don’t wait in line or miss out on the machine you’re looking for. Pre-order from one of the following websites today:

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Verizon Needs to Step Up

Verizon and other telecommunication organizations are falling behind. Technology companies such as Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are announcing cutting edge technology every day. When was the last time Verizon announced expanding FiOS coverage?

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