Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Read Your Emails From Outlook Using Cortana

Back in May, Cortana received many updates. There are still questions about the future of the personal assistant and how it works in future Microsoft products. However, there are some pretty neat features in the latest version. One of my favorites is the ability for Cortana to read emails in Outlook and to respond to emails in Outlook. You can also use Cortana to give you an update on when your next meeting is and to set reminders. For full update information, watch the video below:

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Locations Without Mobile Connectivity in 2020

This weekend, I took my boys on a camping trip. No, it wasn’t a trip in a camper. We were roughing it in a tent which brings back the fond memories of when I was younger in the Boy Scouts. It was their first camping trip outside of the backyard. One of the things I had to get used to, which was quite refreshing, is that in 2020 there are still locations without Internet or mobile connections.

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Git Productivity Enhancements in new Visual Studio Preview

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7 Preview 3 was released on 6/23/20. Preview 3 has several new features and bugfixes including enhancements with XAML and .NET refactoring. One of the biggest areas of improvement is surrounding Git.

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Microsoft Experiment: dotnet-monitor

Microsoft released an experimental tool that allows a consistent method to obtain diagnostic information from .NET Core applications. This new tool is called dotnet-monitor. Depending on the target environment, the setup can differ, but the endpoints for the information collected are the same. This includes on the native OS or inside of a container.

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Apple iOS 14 Announced - Widgets Resemble Windows Mobile Tiles

Yesterday, Apple announced iOS 14. They tout that iOS 14 looks brand new, but feels like home. If you’re a former Windows Mobile user, iOS 14 may look even more familiar to you.

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Pending Fix in the Client Side Azure App Configuration Library

UPDATE: This issue has been resolved. Visit https://jasong.us/38EOoLZ for more details.
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Favorite Visual Studio Code Extensions

Ever since Visual Studio Code was released, it has quickly gained popularity. It’s a lightweight code editor that is very extensible and has great performance. Because of the extensibility, you’ll find developers of all flavors, not just traditional Microsoft developers, using it as their editor of choice.

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Verizon's Samsung Galaxy S20 UW has no Micro SD Card

The Samsung Galaxy website and product offering appears to be very misleading. Sure the brand new Samsung Galaxy S20 UW is a new base version of the Galaxy series and contains 128MB inside the phone. However, the website touts that it can be expanded to 1TB which had many, including myself, looking for the slot. Instead, where the card usually goes is nothing more than the Verizon 5G SIM card. Apparently the reviews are coming in complaining about this. Since this phone was for my wife who still had 40% room left on her 128MB micro SD card that was in her Galaxy S9, the space is not a concern for me. We’ll make do as that’s why we use cloud storage. However, if this is a concern for you, buyer beware.

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All TechBash 2019 Recorded Sessions Now Available

All of the TechBash 2019 sessions that were recorded have been uploaded to the TechBash Dev Conference YouTube Channel. Be sure to subscribe to our channel for future postings. Here are the topics from 2019:

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The JuneteenthConf Kicks Off Today and Ends Tomorrow

The JuneteenthConf kicks off at noon today, June 19th, 2020. The event takes place June 19th-20th. The event provides a space to celebrate Black Excellence in technology and to counterbalance the biases in the technology industry. The event will kick off with an inspirational speech by Danny Thompson, a Software Engineer who worked in retail and never knew the path to a tech career was possible. There are other keynotes and sessions throughout the event.

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