Jason N. Gaylord
from Northeast PA
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Hello, I'm  jasongaylord Jason

I live with my family in the rolling hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania. I'm a web developer by trade, but have broad experience in various business areas. Want to know more about me?

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Hiring an Azure DevOps Engineer

I’m hiring a DevOps Engineer for our growing team. This position is for biBerk, a direct insurance company. We’re looking for someone interested in creating, modifying, and maintaining continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines within Azure DevOps. This individual will also help to maintain the Azure environments setup by the pipelines and will be using infrastructure-as-code.

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TechBash 2021 Has Been Postponed

Last year, we had to cancel TechBash 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, this year is no different. Due to the increase in positive cases in Pennsylvania and the continued threat and spread of the Delta variant, we’ve decided that it’s best to put safety first. We’re extremely disappointed in the fate of this year’s event but know we’ll be able to see you all in person soon enough. We’d prefer to be in an environment were there is little concern for spreading of the virus.

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Enabling GodMode for Windows 10

Windows 10 has a special mode that has been coined “GodMode”. This mode enables several features such as administrative tools, Internet options, network and sharing center options, power options, programs and features, troubleshooting, user accounts, and more.

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Quality Assurance Test Engineer Openings

I’m hiring a Quality Assurance Test Engineer for our growing team. This position is for biBerk, a direct insurance company. I’m looking for a QA Test Engineer who can demonstrate experience with both manual and automated testing. Anyone with experience in Test Automation Center (TAC), Selenium, SpecFlow, Gherkin, Postman, and other automated tools should apply. Many of our back office applications have either a Microsoft SQL server or Cosmos DB data store and either an ASP.NET MVC or Angular front end. As we continue to revamp our applications, we’re automating more and more tests as we move to continuous integration and deployment.

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Vulnerability Discovered in Azure Cosmos DB

On August 12th, Microsoft became aware of a vulnerability in Azure Cosmos DB. The vulnerability could potentially expose the primary keys for Azure Cosmos DB data stores. It was reported through an external security researcher in confidence so at the time of this post, there’s no known exploits of information. The discovery explained that the primary read-write keys for the account can be exposed through Jupyter notebooks. This flaw has been fixed. To regenerate your keys, you should follow the doc found on the Microsoft site here.

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Remove git-lfs from Repository

Earlier this year, I wrote about adding git-lfs to a project. If you are pushing code to a third party such as GitHub, they may have storage limitations and you may incur unexpected costs.

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Tech Event Listings Updated

As we approach the fall, many organizations are adding additional conferences and seminars. Some of the highlights for this fall include TechBash, Adobe MAX, and Google Cloud NEXT. Be sure to bookmark my events page as I frequently update what events are happening and where. As always, if I’m missing an event, please contact me and I’ll be sure to review and add the event.

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Once a Baker, Now a Web Developer

We seldom hear of stories where someone jumps from one career over to another and has great success in both. However, when we do, it’s quite inspiring. As a member of the TechBash Foundation, one of the coolest stories I heard of recently was from a former Kalahari Resorts baker named Katherine Scoda. While software development run in Katherine’s family, Katherine wanted to choose her own path and started as a very talented baker. Rather than paraphrasing, I wanted to share her own summary here:

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Kalahari Guaranteed Discounts Ends in 30 Days

TechBash 2021 begins in two months from today. Many plan on taking advantage of the guaranteed discounts at Kalahari Resort & Convention Center. The guaranteed discounted rates expire in 30 days. Don’t wait! Book your room today! Room rates start at just $159/night Monday through Thursday and are $179 for Friday night. Additional options and upgrades are available by calling the Kalahari. If you are interested in learning about more that the Kalahari has to offer, visit https://jasong.us/tbfaq.

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Business Analyst Openings for Property & Casualty Insurance Company

I’m hiring a Business Analyst who has experience with Commercial Property and Casualty Insurance for our growing team. This position is for biBerk, a direct insurance company. If you have experience in Worker’s Compensation, Commercial Auto, E&O, General Liability, or Business Owner’s Policies, this position is for you.

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